FULL Digital Audit of ALL Absentee Ballots in Corrupt Fulton County Ordered by Judge

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The dominoes may be falling a bit faster than many anticipated in the coming weeks as efforts to expose massive, widespread voter fraud had a huge win today in court. Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero ordered a full digital audit of absentee ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, a place that many Trump supporters believe is the epicenter of election fraud that stole the 2020 presidential election for Joe Biden.

Creative Destruction Media has been covering the hearing all morning and broke the story:

In an ongoing hearing, Henry County, GA judge, the Honorable Brian J. Amero may give access to the plaintiffs (VoterGA.org, Garland Favorito, and another plaintiff) to the physical mail-in ballots in Fulton County, which could show massive election fraud in GA during the 2020 presidential election cycle, and the follow-on runoff that decided control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrat Party, leading to full control of the American government.

In the hearing, lawyers for VoterGA.org described large discrepancies (21%) between the number of ballot batches reported by the GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who certified the election, and the number of ballot batches actually provided by court-ordered access in the previous April hearing in the case.

VoterGA.org has been examining the ballot images at a low resolution since the hearing in April, and declared they need the actual physical ballots to understand the number of counterfeit ballots certified.

Fulton County attorneys pushed for a sampling of the ballots instead of access to all of the ballots. They particularly objected to access to physical ballots.

Fulton County attorneys also objected to expert witnesses testifying the number of ballot batches certified by Secretary of State Raffensperger in the previous ‘risk limiting audit’ were significantly different from the actual number of ballot image batches that were provided by state and county officials in court-ordered discovery in April.

Despite objections by attorneys for Fulton County, the judge ordered all of the absentee ballots to be unsealed. Parties to appear at ballot storage location 10am May 28th. Ballots will be scanned at 600 dpi or higher. Protocol to be determined.

The previous audit at a much lower resolution bore fruit as major discrepancies and statistical anomalies were found. At the heart of the shenanigans is none other than “Republican” Secretary of State Raffensperger who has obstructed investigations into 2020 voter fraud from the beginning. His fingerprints are all over this, but for the first time since the election it appears there is hope that the truth can come out.

If voter fraud is discovered through this full digital audit, it will call into question the razor-thin margin by which Biden “won” the election at the last minute. It will also shine a bright spotlight on Raffensperger and others who have been apparently complicit in not only covering up the fraud but possibly in perpetrating it in the first place.

Greater Georgia released a statement approving of the judge’s decision. This is pertinent because the Chairwoman of the group is former Senator Kelly Loeffler. If voter fraud is found in this election, it’s almost certain the election that she lost will also be scrutinized. She and David Perdue both lost to Democrats in the Georgia runoff, handing control of the United States Senate to the Democrats:

According to The Epoch Times:

David Sawyer, a forensics expert, testified for the petitioners. He said he identified a discrepancy in the number of batches that were received by petitioners and the number that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office listed as having been examined in a risk-limiting audit.

He told the judge that direct access to ballots would be best “because that’s the original evidence, and that’s the best evidence.”

It’s never a good idea for patriots to get their hopes up about the 2020 election. Correcting it is still a longshot, but we’re a bit closer today than we were yesterday, so there’s still hope.

Article Source: FULL Digital Audit of ALL Absentee Ballots in Corrupt Fulton County Ordered by Judge – 🔔 The Liberty Daily

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