WOW: Nearly Half of All NIAID and FDA Employees Are Refusing the COVID Vaccines That They’re Pushing on the Rest of Us

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Roughly half of all National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) employees are refusing to take the COVID vaccines that they are pushing on the rest of us.

The FDA’s Peter Marks admitted that that 40-50 percent of CDC and FDA  employees have opted not to take the vaccine during an exchange with Sen. Richard Burr.

NIAID Director Anthony Fauci said the number is about the same for his agency.

“Okay, this question I’m gonna go to Dr. Fauci, Dr. Marks, and Dr. Walensky,” Burr asked. “What percentage of employees in [Fauci’s] institute, [Walensky’s] Center, or [Mars’] agency, of your employees, has been vaccinated?”

“You know, I’m not a hundred percent sure, senator, but I think it’s probably a little bit more than half, probably around sixty percent,” Fauci claimed.

“I can’t tell you the exact number, but it’s probably in the same range, some people vaccinated at our facility, and others at, uh, outside of the facility,” Marks added.

“We’re encouraging, um, our employees to get vaccinated, we’ve been doing town halls and education seminars, um, we have, our staff have the option to report their vaccination status but it’s you, un-understand [sic] the federal government is not requiring it so we do not know,” Walensky said, dodging the question.

Article Source: WOW: Nearly Half of All NIAID and FDA Employees Are Refusing the COVID Vaccines That They’re Pushing on the Rest of Us

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