Dr. Mercola – Experimental mRNA Technology – Most massive experiment in human history!

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Dr. Mercola is a well known doctor and has been banned on many platforms over the last few months for speaking out. He along with many other doctors are being censored, trashed, smeared, lied about and a lot of other things simply for telling the scientific truth as they understand it as doctors. Why? Well that’s easy… it doesn’t fit the MSM, big pharma, WHO, CDC, WEF, big tech, great reset etc. narrative. That’s it. Period.

What I’d like to know is when did we decide to become a society that totally trusts government authorities or anybody else for that matter without doing our own research?

Think about it because this may be the one of the most important decisions you make in your lifetime… take the jab, or not?

Please take the time to watch this very brief 2 minute video.

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