Biden revokes executive orders including Monuments to American Heroes

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WASHINGTON, DC – On May 14th, President Joe Biden issued an executive order that revoked some of former President Trump’s executive orders – including the executive order that was known as “Building the National Garden of American Heroes”.

Back on July 3rd of 2020, former President Trump delivered a speech at Mount Rushmore where he announced a planned tribute site where statues would be erected of American icons that embodied “the American spirit of daring and defiance, excellence and adventure, courage and confidence, loyalty and love.”

Months after the announcement, former President Trump detailed in his executive order known as the “Building the National Garden of American Heroes” what statues would be erected in this National Garden.

Yet, President Biden revoked that very executive order – among others – on May 14th.

Read full story here: Source: Biden revokes executive orders including Monuments to American Heroes

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