Criminal FDA Authorizes Emergency Use for Pfizer’s mRNA Injections on 12-15 Year-olds

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As expected, the FDA granted emergency use authorization to Pfizer’s experimental COVID mRNA shots to be injected into children between the ages of 12 and 15 today.

The FDA is a criminal organization comprised of medical professionals with ties to Big Pharma who are serving the pharmaceutical industry, and not the public.

None of the COVID-19 injections given emergency use authorization were done so legally. Many scientists and doctors have protested, and even filed official complaints against the FDA, because there are already effective treatments for COVID-19, making an emergency use authorization unnecessary.

In addition, the current injections for COVID-19 do not meet the legal definition of a “vaccine,” but are an entirely new class of injections that inject an operating system into your body and works directly with your DNA.

Many young people aged 16 to their early 20s have already died and been seriously injured following the Pfizer injections, and we have covered their stories here on Health Impact News.

There is a eugenic agenda here to reduce the world’s population, and for those young girls in the 12 to 15 year age range whose parents allow them to get this experimental injection, most if not all of them will probably become infertile and never be able to bear children, if they survive the shots.

Governors Need to Reject the FDA Guidance in Their States and Refuse to Allow Children to Receive Experimental Injections that Violate the Nuremburg Code.

Read more here: Article Source: Criminal FDA Authorizes Emergency Use for Pfizer’s mRNA Injections on 12-15 Year-olds – Up to State Governors to Save the Nation’s Children – Vaccine Impact

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