Clueless vaccine pushers shocked to learn Pfizer is JUST NOW applying for FDA approval

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I fondly remember the Tweets and comments on mainstream media reports after Obamacare was put into effect. Every day for weeks we’d find people who were shocked to find out that under Obamacare, they still had to pay for their insurance. They thought it was going to be free because Democrats let them think that and mainstream media didn’t correct them. It was a fun exercise in petty gloating after a loss; we may not have been able to stop Obamacare from passing, but at least the people will be more careful next time, right?

Wrong. They’re never more careful. Since those days of laughing at the clueless, I’ve grown much more cynical and concerned about the gross ignorance that’s pervasive in America. Low-information voters continue to give us absolute morons as representatives. A clearly stolen election is being ignored by otherwise intelligent people because they’re told claims of voter fraud are lies, yet they know the journalists and politicians claiming there was no voter fraud are themselves demonstrable liars. I can go on and on about how intellectual laziness and an unwillingness to explore beyond the leftist-approved narratives continue to bite us in the backside, but there’s one example that really chaps my khakis.

One of my relatives who laments my “propaganda” against the Covid vaccines often sends me mainstream media reports about how it’s making people safer and people like me are keeping the lockdowns going. I rarely respond to her as she’s not exactly among the few relatives I have who are conservative. She was a proud Bernie Bro, gender displacement aside. But I had to send her a story this morning that earned me the expected response, but only because I know she doesn’t listen to my podcast. If she did, she’d already know what this article from Axios was saying:

Pfizer and BioNTech announced Friday that they have initiated the process of applying for full FDA approval of their COVID-19 vaccine for people 16 and older.

Why it matters: It’s the first coronavirus vaccine to seek a Biologics License Application (BLA), which requires at least six months of data, according to CNBC.

The big picture: The Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are being administered in the U.S. after receiving…  

Read full story here:  Article Source: Clueless vaccine pushers shocked to learn Pfizer is JUST NOW applying for FDA approval

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