Oregon HS Track Coach Calls for End to Mask Rule After Athlete Collapses

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Posted by Richard Willet – Memes and headline comments by David Icke Posted on 25 April 2021

A high school track coach in Oregon is calling for an end to rules mandating mask-wearing during competition after one of his athletes collapsed from “complete oxygen debt.”

The biggest problem for the coach and his runners came in the 800-meter race when student Maggie Williams collapsed on the track just meters short of the finish line even as she was on the verge of achieving a school record.

“I was pushing so hard and everything went blurry and I just fell,” Williams told The Bulletin. “But luckily I fell at the right spot and crossed the line with my head.”

This end to Williams’ race worried coach Turnbull. He blamed his runner’s collapse on the mask.

“I am concerned with the mask rule,” Turnbull said. “This is what I am worried about, and I said this at the beginning of the season. You get a kid running the 800 with a mask on, it is actually dangerous. They don’t get the oxygen that they need. This rule needs to change.”

The coach added that his student suffered “complete oxygen debt,” according to OregonLive.com.

Turnbull added that he sent his request up the chain to the powers that be.

“The good news is that the OSAA is working hard with the OHA to remove the mask restrictions,” Turnbull said. “I sent them pics of Maggie hitting the ground. I warned them of this in a meeting over a month ago. Respiration requirements in events from 400 to 3K are far too high for masks. Moreover, carbon dioxide isn’t fully removed from the mask upon inhalation. The very reason we wear the masks to protect others is now a liability for the athlete when they increase respiration to the levels these athletes need.”

Article Source: Oregon HS Track Coach Calls for End to Mask Rule After Athlete Collapses – David Icke 



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