The “Smart Mask” – Is This The New Normal?

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The World Economic Forum is at it again. The globalist titans behind ‘the Great Reset’ are now promoting a “smart face mask” that tracks every breath its wearer takes.

The Davos crew posted a tweet promoting “the mask of the future,” a high-tech face-covering designed by Chinese-owned health data firm CirQ Technologies. The very idea of a ‘mask of the future’ signifies that the organization wants to keep “you in masks forever.”   

In addition to its much-maligned ‘Great Reset’ to the world economy, the WEF has promoted global digital IDs and predicted a worldwide carbon based tax system and restrictions on meat-eating.

In February the WEF were lambasted on social media for tweeting about how“lockdowns are quietly improving cities around the world,” before hastily deleting the post.

If you are one of those people who thought “vaccinations were the “silver bullet” back to normality and freedom, then I am sorry to say you have been duped.  For those of us who have closely followed the actions of the United Nations and World Economic Forum, we know the future the psychopath globalists have planned for us is a “new abnormal”. (Articles attached below).

The World Economic Forum’s Smart Mask Unveiled


Another bizarre and unwarranted promotion from the power-crazed World Economic Forum (Davos Gang).

My idea to solve the world’s most pressing problems is to disband the entity known as the World Economic Forum and HELP THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD BREATHE A LITTLE EASIER.

But I have a suspicion my suggestion may not be very well received by this forum – what say you?



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