The Great Vaccine Scam: Even Establishment Experts and Scientists Admit the Jabs Are Ineffective

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“New Covid vaccines needed globally within a year, say scientists,” reads the headline of a recent piece in the UK Guardian.

The article is based on a survey of pro-vaccine scientists in nearly thirty countries across the globe. Two thirds of these scientists thought that the time frame within which you will need a new shot is less than nine months.

Observes the Guardian:

“The grim forecast of a year or less comes from two-thirds of respondents, according to the People’s Vaccine Alliance, a coalition of organizations including Amnesty International, Oxfam, and UNAIDS, who carried out the survey of 77 scientists from 28 countries.”

If you are concerned about the vaccines, please pay close attention.

The Guardian’s report is an important one, because it indirectly reveals the truth about the current crop of the Covid-19 vaccines. Here is the hidden message: the vaccines being administered in millions of doses every day fail to confer adequate protection against Covid-19.

The obvious implication of these scientists’ statements is that the vaccines on offer are ineffective. About this there can now be no doubt, for if the vaccines were effective, these experts would not go around saying that people will have to be re-vaccinated within mere months of receiving their Covid shots. Only a few weeks ago these shots – you may remember – were being promoted as the answer to the pandemic and a ticket back to normality.

To compound the travesty, these scientists fail to tell us that there is every reason to believe that the new vaccines will be as ineffective as those that are being peddled at present.

The reason why the current vaccines are ineffective is because the virus that causes Covid-19 has mutated into a multitude of new variants. Some of these variants are sufficiently removed from the original strain to render the vaccines – which were aimed at that earlier version of the virus – useless.


Read full story here: Source: The Great Vaccine Scam: Even Establishment Experts and Scientists Admit the Jabs Are Ineffective – LewRockwell

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