Will I Take the COVID Injection?

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This article is from Mark Skidmore’s blog at Lighthouse Economics. He talks about what he thinks of the experimental covid-19 vaccines. Included here is the summary of the article.


  1. Pandemic was declared and supported with false data on COVID infections and fatalities.
  2. Lockdowns were imposed in many countries, again justified with false data on COVID infections and fatalities.
  3. Severe human and economic consequences from lockdowns ensued resulting in $ trillions in federal spending and borrowing, money printing, millions of lost jobs, tens of thousands of lost businesses, increased suicide and alcohol/drug fatalities, domestic abuse, and the death of more than 200,000 children in the developing world, etc.
  4. Information about safe and effective alternative treatments such as HCQ and ivermectin were and are suppressed in many countries.  Some doctors were even terminated for using such treatments to save lives.  The result was that many thousands of lives were unnecessarily lost to COVID.
  5. The survival rate for those who are recorded as infected with is about 99.7% (using the false data).
  6. An experimental gene therapy (inappropriately labeled as vaccine) was rolled out in record time under Operation Warp Speed.  The injections have led to thousands of fatalities and strange adverse health impacts.  We do not yet know the nature of the longer-run impacts from the gene therapy. Many eminent scientists have expressed serious concerns about the health impacts of the gene therapy in both the short- and longer-run.
  7. The pharmaceutical companies are completely exempt from legal action for any damages or fatalities caused by their products, and this is especially true for products approved for use by the US government under “emergency use.”
  8. The plans for use of the mRNA gene therapy include regular injections/updates, and these injections have the potential to change one’s DNA.
  9. Moderna’s mRNA gene therapy is the first product it has ever produced and delivered.  Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson have engaged in criminal activity and have been convicted numerous times.  See here and here for information about past crimes.  Historically, these companies have demonstrated themselves to be corrupt.
  10. Digital vaccine passports and other health monitoring applications are being rolled out globally.  Look to Israel for the model of what could be implemented if we allow it.  Increasing pressure will be placed on people to accept the COVID injection.  At some point, I believe these digital health/passport systems will be integrated with the new digital monetary system…again if we allow it.

Given this information, does it make sense for me to take the COVID injection?

I do not consent to the COVID injection and I do not consent to digital passports and medical tyranny (and the subsequent surveillance state that logically follows).  I anticipate that this decision may be costly for me personally and for my family.

I will do my best to help build a more human society based on core principals as outlined in the US Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…


Read the full article here: https://mark-skidmore.com/2021/03/27/will-i-take-the-covid-injection/

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