Big Tech tyrants going hard against ‘medical misinformation,’ AKA vaccine questions

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With Covid-19 lockdowns slowly but surely falling off, the newest push is for vaccine mandates. We haven’t heard too much about it from the federal government but state and local governments are looking into things like “vaccine passports” and other ways to mandate compliance with Covid vaccination protocols. Meanwhile, private businesses have already started initiating their own version of “get the jab to get a job” policies.

All the while, mainstream media is pushing the vaccines hard. But Big Tech has been the most egregious with their own iterations of vaccine lockdowns as many of the bigger players are suppressing discussions about them. YouTube is the most draconian of the Big Tech tyrants so far, deleting videos and suspending accounts that dare to ask valid questions about the efficacy, necessity, or safety of Covid vaccines.

We know. We were hit by a “medical misinformation” strike on our YouTube channel yesterday.

We’re not alone. Apparently, many others who are asking questions are being hit hard by YouTube. According to One News Now:

At the Bringing America Back to Life Convention in Cleveland earlier this month, Dr. Alan Moy of the John Paull II Medical Research Institute and Sarah Quale of the Personhood Alliance gave a presentation on the science and ethics of COVID-19 vaccines.

“YouTube removed the video of our presentation because they said it was medical misinformation,” Quale reports. “That’s a label that they’ve been using a lot more often lately, particularly in terms of COVID information, and particularly information about COVID vaccines.”


Full story here: Source: Big Tech tyrants going hard against ‘medical misinformation,’ AKA vaccine questions

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