You’re in a Permanent Kill Box, a Mass Genocide Operation Being Run by the DoD

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Dr Jane Ruby tweeted this video Monday with the comment: “Everyone’s finally figuring out that you’re in a permanent Kill Box, a mass genocide operation being run by the United States Department of Defense… At the end, she tells you how to defeat it (Hint: LOCAL)”.

As the COVID crisis began to unfold in early 2020, it was so overwhelming and so global, that I kept asking myself, “How on Earth were they be able to pull this off?”

Paralegal, Katherine Watt‘s mind is like a laser beam, as she methodically breaks down exactly how the Globalists (aka Black Nobility) pulled off the COVID Hoax, through incremental legislation, beginning way back in the early 20th century.

Watching this and listening to her is immensely satisfying and empowering and she also believes that we’re reaching a Tipping Point and that the perpetrators will be punished for their unfathomable crimes.


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