Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Minors Released into U.S.

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More than 400,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors have been released into the United States by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Many of the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) are young males, according to an interim staff report from the House Judiciary Committee.

“In total, more than 400,000 UACs have been released to sponsors during the Biden Administration, up 100 percent compared to all four years of the Trump Administration combined,” the report says. “Most of these UACs are teenage boys, not infants or small children.”

The report notes that an estimated 70% of the UACs are at least 15 years old.

Some of the UACs have committed “egregious crimes against Americans,” the committee writes.

The report went on to describe an incident where a migrant minor was charged with killing 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton. The migrant was connected to an MS-13 gang in El Salvador.

“HHS has failed to engage in the necessary due diligence to ensure such tragedies are not repeated in the future,” the report adds. “Instead, HHS has doubled down on the disastrous policies that enabled Kayla Hamilton’s murder to occur in the first place. The failure of HHS and the Biden Administration to recognize vulnerabilities in its open-borders policies—and to take appropriate actions to protect the safety and security of the American people—continue to weaken public safety and national security.”

HHS has also admitted that it “does not have any secure facilities ‘in-network’—that is, facilities designed for the secure placement of UACs who pose a danger to themselves or others or who have been determined to have a criminal record.”

American Faith reported that dozens of unaccompanied migrant children were encountered at a Texas sector of the U.S.-Mexico border in a single day last week.

Thirty-one migrants claimed to be under the age of 18. There were 16 males and 7 females.


Source: Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Minors Released into U.S. – American Faith

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