EVs: Lady who bought a Tesla and started having extreme health issues…

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Part 1: Finally found the video I was telling you guys about during live one night about the lady who bought a Tesla and started having extreme health issues. In her words:

“Fatigue was the first symptom and it got worse over time. I would come home from grocery shopping and need to lay down in bed for 20 minutes before I could even unload the car. This was after a total of around 2 hours on the road, so at first I didn’t think anything of it. My husband and I would take frequent trips up to Atlanta and after 4+ hours on the road, we would check in to our hotel for the rest of the day and order food delivery. It was only after many long road trips with my mom in a regular car and feeling normal that I realized something was wrong.”

Part 2: “The shoulder and neck pain started about a year in and got worse after that. It was most likely caused by the shape of the seats and how much time I spent in them. The headrest is not adjustable and forces you into a forward neck posture with a curved upper back.

I’ve never had nosebleeds in my entire life but suddenly had red tinged tissue after blowing my nose many times. It wasn’t severe and I initially blamed it on weather and controlled burns but they have stopped since selling the car.

The nausea started towards the end and would happen after longer drives. Flying in planes (high radiation) started making me nauseous as well which has never been a problem before.

The hair loss started in the last few months of owning the car and thankfully has stopped. After every shower, my brush would be full of hair and would continue to shed excessively throughout the day.

My husband experienced all of these symptoms except for the hair loss and shoulder/neck pain. If you have a Tesla or know someone who does, I would love to hear any stories and experiences! I’ll share what I did to detox and recover in a post soon. Before commenting, keep in mind that what is right for you, may not be right for someone else.

Disclaimer: Am I sure the car caused these symptoms? I’m not 100% sure of anything. Is it likely? Our symptoms are gone after selling it 5 months ago.”


Source: Maria Zeee

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