Did Americans Adopt ‘Elements of China’s Authoritarian Model’ During COVID-19?

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March 27, 2024: In January of 2020, China was the first country to enforce COVID-19 public health safety lockdowns and through their influence with the WHO, other nations around the world followed, including the United States of America. China also quickly deployed mask mandates and frequent PCR testing of healthy citizens, which the U.S. and other nations also followed.

Fast forward to 2021 and early 2022, some media influencers and experts opined that if America had followed China’s policies more closely, such as stricter lockdowns and mask wearing, America as a whole, “would have likely have been better off.’

It’s important to note, that in December of 2020, military and intelligence agency officials presented a 550+-page document to Congress on the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), China’s military strategies targeting the United States. The report specifically noted that China’s military is manipulating and suppressing information across “civilian information systems (smart devices, social media platforms, news platforms, computers, etc.), likely including those built by Chinese companies.”

China’s military (PLA) desires to manipulate citizens and government leaders of other countries in order to have them, “accept if not praise China’s authoritarian, single-party governance model as a superior alternative to liberal democracy and to export elements of its model, popularizing internationally the norm that power, not rules-based accountability, is a legitimate basis for political authority.”

According to a February 3, 2020 article in China’s Global times, “The high people’s court of Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province published an urgent notice saying it would severely punish 36 crimes related to the prevention and control of epidemics in accordance with the law, in which violations can be subject even to the death penalty.”

Per the Global Times, “According to the notice, which has China’s Criminal Law as its legal basis, people who spread the virus intentionally and endanger public security would be suspected of violating the criminal law and can be sentenced to death.” 

Reference for 5 Crimes Punishable by Death.

Under China’s ‘public health policies,’ Americans who refused to comply with mask or vaccine mandates, not only would have been fined or arrested, but could have been executed.

If Canada followed China’s public health policies, Canadian truckers would have been arrested and potentially sentenced to death.

If America had adopted China’s COVID-19 polices, Black Lives Matter protesters would have been arrested and may have been sentenced to death.


Read full story here: Did Americans Adopt ‘Elements of China’s Authoritarian Model’ During COVID-19?

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