Gov’t Spending Bill Gives $315,000,000 for Future ‘Influenza Pandemic’…

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… Involving Virus It’s Been Making More Contagious and Deadly: H5N1 Bird Flu

Congress on Thursday unveiled a $1.2 trillion spending bill meant to fund the government through September that includes hundreds of millions of dollars for the next “influenza pandemic.”

It is unclear why the bill addresses influenza specifically and not one of the hundreds of other virus families, raising questions about the government’s apparent foreknowledge.

However, the U.S. has been performing dangerous gain-of-function experiments on the H5N1 bird flu virus, which is an influenza virus.

The U.S. has also been developing a vaccine for H5N1 influenza.

This means that the government is now asking for money to prepare for a future pandemic involving, on the one hand, a virus it’s been making more contagious, and on the other, the very vaccine it’s already developing.

As this website has previously reported, a “loophole” in the international ‘Biological Weapons Convention’ (BWC) treaty allows the government to produce bioweapons from the most dangerous pathogens on Earth, so long as the stated purpose is for “peaceful uses,” like vaccine development.

This means the government can make the problem (a more lethal version of a virus) and the solution for that problem (a vaccine for that virus) at the same time.

Moreover, the U.S. government has a dark history of conducting unethical medical experiments on its population, as seen in instances like the Tuskegee Study, where African American men were left untreated for syphilis without their knowledge over several decades.

Additionally, experiments on disabled individuals and prison inmates involved giving hepatitis to mental patients and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people without informed consent.

Various other experiments included exposing prisoners to the pandemic flu virus in Maryland and injecting cancer cells into individuals at a New York hospital, highlighting a disturbing pattern of exploitation and disregard for ethical standards in medical research.

Lawmakers only have until midnight on Friday to pass the spending bill, meaning they only have one day to read and process the 1,012-page document.

On page 528, the bill earmarks $315,000,000 “for expenses necessary to prepare for or respond to an influenza pandemic.”

This includes “the production of pandemic influenza vaccines.”

The bill reads:

$315,000,000 shall be for expenses necessary to prepare for or respond to an influenza pandemic, of which $280,000,000 shall remain available until expended for activities including the development and purchase of vaccines, antivirals, necessary medical supplies, diagnostics, and surveillance tools: Provided, That notwithstanding section 496(b) of the PHS Act, funds allocated under this paragraph may be used for the construction or renovation of privately owned facilities for the production of pandemic influenza vaccines and other biologics, if the Secretary finds such construction or renovation necessary to secure sufficient supplies of such vaccines or biologics:

That money is part of the more than $3 billion allocated under the section titled “ADMINISTRATION FOR STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND PROCUREMENT.”

This section has to do with “research, development, storage, production, and procurement of medical countermeasures to counter potential chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats to civilian populations.”

Under another section, titled “OPERATIONS, PREPAREDNESS, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE,” the bill makes an additional $15,000,000 available through September 30, 2025 for vaccine development.

These funds are meant “to support coordination of the development, production, and distribution of vaccines, therapeutics, and other medical countermeasures.”

You can read the full bill here.


Source: Gov’t Spending Bill Gives $315,000,000 for Future ‘Influenza Pandemic’ Involving Virus It’s Been Making More Contagious and Deadly: H5N1 Bird Flu

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