The Shocking Truth About Remdesivir – Dr. David Martin

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Hospitals murdered COVID patients.

The more they killed, the more money they made.

Aside from ventilators, the death protocol of choice was Fauci’s pet drug Remdesivir.

“Remdesivir is so lethal it got nicknamed ‘Run Death Is Near’ after it started killing thousands of Covid patients in the hospital,” wrote Stella Paul in a previous report.

“The experts claimed that Remdesivir would stop Covid; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.”

Dr. David Martin says:

“Remdesivir was too unethical to put into Ebola clinical trials in Africa because it had a 53% kill rate published in medical journals. Ebola doesn’t have a 53% kill rate, but it was chosen in April and May of 2020 to be the drug of choice to treat COVID? This drug was too unethical to use in an African clinical trial because it was k*lling 53% of the people that it was given to. And we had Anthony Fauci [and] Deborah Birx sitting next to the president going, ‘We need to use Remdesivir,’ despite the fact that the World Health Organization said it was unethical to use it.”

Click here to watch the full video from The Epoch Times.


Source: The Shocking Truth About Remdesivir – Dr. David Martin – Vigilant News Network

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