New Yorkers didn’t realize that ‘Sanctuary State’ status meant third-world hellhole…

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One of the most controversial issues affecting nearly every state in the union today is the constant influx of asylum-seeking illegal immigrants. States with the highest concentration of migrants are California, Texas, New York, Kentucky, and Michigan.

The Biden administration and state officials have created an intolerant environment for the average American as the infiltration of illegal migrants has threatened many of America’s neighboring streets and communities for the past three years, and it is a growing crisis and the number one concern in the 2024 election.

This was all part of the plan ⏤ On January 20, 2021, newly inaugurated President Biden announced the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, a broad immigration bill he sent to Congress immediately upon taking office. The bill would provide a path to citizenship for the undocumented population, a border management approach that includes a focus on addressing root causes of forced migration, a legal immigration reform platform, a series of humanitarian provisions, and additional rights for immigrant workers. – U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 Bill Summary – National Immigration Forum.

This rogue run-amok political arena proclaimed this once great state of New York as a Sanctuary State, lying and betraying the people who reside within all 62 counties with their deflection tactics and communist agenda.

Legal residents are being taxed to death not only monetarily but by the snarky comments of Gov. Kathy Hochul and other state officials insinuating that “If New York State residents don’t like the laws, they can leave the state.” To add insult to injury, some of the very same state officials are asking God-fearing, tax-paying New Yorkers to adopt these migrant families by using the power and influence of their personal church communities, non-profit groups, and corporations.

NYC Migrants Living Underground NYC Migrant Crisis


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