Experts Agree: Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Formulated with Graphene Oxide

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February 29, 2024: It’s miraculous to see that other influencers are beginning to cover the the use graphene oxide nanoparticles (GNP) and hydrogel not only in the mRNA injections, but also as their use in nearly all industries from cosmetics and industrial filtration systems to multi-species hydrogel meats and vegetables.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea and I did a deep dive on the use of hydrogel, quantum dots, and graphene oxide nanoparticles earlier this year.

Stew Peters and I broke the story of Pfizer’s internal SBDD (structural and biological drug design) document from Gratin, CT, showing the use of graphene-oxide and gold in the creation and manufacturing of the SP-2 spike protein in March of last year. Article below.

March 11, 2023: To say that I was shocked to find this CONFIDENTIAL lab document was released from Pfizer’s Groton Connecticut Discovery Sciences Research and Development lab is the understatement of my 25 year+ career.

I’ve been told experts won’t believe there is nanotechnology or graphene oxide in the mRNA injections because there is no concrete evidence from Pfizer proving graphene oxide is in the shots. Well, now there is.

This internal document is evidence that Pfizer’s mRNA ‘vaccines’ are programmable electronic nanotech devices that are made with graphene oxide.

I had several hit pieces written about me when I first made this claim during an interview with Stew Peters in July of 2021;

“I’m as confident that there is graphene oxide in these shots as I am in gravity.” – Karen Kingston, Stew Peters Interview, July 28, 2021

Pfizer’s confidential document from their clinical research lab is my vindication against REUTERS and Verifact for accusing me and my research of lacking credibility.

Per the 80,000+ pages of documents that Pfizer had to release under FOIA, one of the documents was their proprietary formulation process for the ‘invention’ of the BNT162b2 SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein (P2-S).

Per Pfizer’s internal research and development document, Pfizer ordered the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA spike proteins from Sino Biological…


Read full story here: Experts Agree: Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Formulated with Graphene Oxide

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