Let’s Address How mRNA Spike Proteins and Cationic Lipids Cause Blood Clotting

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January 11, 2024: On December 28, 2023, Dr. Jason Dean and I had an enlightening and ground breaking conversation summarizing much of the analysis I have done on mRNA gene editing technologies, the horrible concept behind the use of cationic lipids, and how our biggest struggle in the freedom movement is coming to a valid consensus on what is absolute reality and truth versus what is fiction, false narratives, or hypotheses.

Jason and I discuss how changing the zeta potential (electronic charge) of the red blood cells is calling blood clotting (rouleaux).

Got to the 26:50 mark of our interview on Rumble or at BraveTV.com.

“But when you change the electric charge of the blood, you change the zeta potential. So red blood cells (normally) have a negative charge, so they bounce off of each other, but when you put a positive charge in there, and then some (RBCs) have positive and some have negative, that’s when you have the rouleaux.” – Karen Kingston, Dec 28, 2023

Images of red blood cells clumping together, known as rouleaux

“It’s that (cationic charged nanoparticles) that’s causing the blood clotting and Jason and nobody is talking about this. Nobody is talking about this.” – Karen Kingston, December 28, 2023


On January 5, 2024, a Midwestern Doctor published a detailed article explaining how the cationic lipids are toxic and that the spike proteins change the zeta potential resulting in damage to the blood.

It’s a great relief to see medical experts agree that it is the nanotechnology that is causing the catastrophic damage in the human body, and that neither the spike protein nor the ‘lipid nanoparticles’ are biologic in nature.

Please go to the 26:10 mark of my interview with Dr. Jason Dean, where I explain how the mRNA ‘vaccine’ manufacturers are not protected under the vaccine law (or EUA laws) for contaminating the mRNA injections with engineered nanoparticles and how the nanoparticles are causing all the damage to human body and genomes.

Transcript of Karen Kingston is in “italics”.

“It’s the engineered nanoparticles (lipid nanoparticles) that are causing all the damage.”

“They (cationic lipid nanoparticles) are causing the myocarditis, the central nervous system damage, and they’re doing the gene editing.”

“By the way, Dr. Malone’s idea of making a positive ionic charge (cationic lipids) so that these nanoparticles can penetrate the cell wall…”

“….otherwise the mRNA, can not get in there (penetrate into the cytoplasm or nucleus).”

“The modRNA, that is the triangular shaped (spike protein) and then there are others that are cone-shaped (spike proteins).”

Below is a screenshot of an internal Pfizer document (SBDD of SARS CoV-2 Spike) on how Pfizer manufactures millions of pre-fusion spike proteins and designs the post-fusion (NIH model) using HEK, Vitrabot, Coot, WARP, Au/GO quantifoil, and RELION with the use of cryo-em.

In our interview, I propose my first-step to stopping the use of mRNA gene editing technologies that are not only destroying the health of formerly healthy adults and children, but also destroying the human genome, by beginning with experts agreeing on some basics of reality.


Here is a 1-minute video from Final Days, where I explain that the cationic lipids are programmable dual-use technologies.

With all humbleness of mind, and meekness, with long suffering, supporting one another through love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Sharing information on the Texas vs. Pfizer lawsuit and the fraudulent data behind their efficacy claims is good starting point. This letter addresses about 80 violations Pfizer committed against global civilians.


Source: Let’s Address How mRNA Spike Proteins and Cationic Lipids Cause Blood Clotting

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