Pfizer Told Us mRNA Injections Are Used to Modify the Human Genome

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January 4, 2024: Yesterday, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo issued a press statement, calling for the stop of the use of mRNA injections in human beings due to their ability to modify the human genome.

In a recent interview with Del BigTree, Dr. Ladapo explained how Pfizer’s and the FDA’s lack of proper animal and human testing (bona fide research) is beyond reckless as the mRNA nanoparticle technologies have the capability of introducing oncogenes (genes that cause cancer) as well as making transgenerational changes to the human species.

Pfizer doesn’t even cover-up the fact that their mRNA injections are for gene-editing, specifically to modify the human genome. Pfizer website states;

“mRNA technology is a good fit for gene editing. We want to make these editing proteins for a short period of time to modify the genome.” – Pfizer

According to a 2016 MIT BIOTECHNOLOGY article, the US government and biotechnology experts viewed the use of gene-editing ‘mRNA nanoparticle technologies’ as weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and a threat to national security as the genome is the very essence of life. Using mRNA nanoparticle injections to edit a species’ genome could result in the extermination of that species, including human beings.


Read full story: Pfizer Told Us mRNA Injections Are Used to Modify the Human Genome

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