Patrick Byrne – Blacks/Hispanics Will Be Exterminated by China

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Information Operation Host, L Todd Wood speaks with Patrick Byrne about the future of America and Patrick tells him, “I think they’ve manned-up for a civil war and they’re trying to provoke a civil war and as difficult as it’s going to be if they succeed, we lose.

“We cannot go kinetic. We’ve sucked it up for three years, we’re down to 10 months. We’ve got to suck it up for 10 more months. We’ve been at it 38 months, we’ve got 10 more months, 10 and a half months and so we have to keep our cool.”

Todd asks him what he thinks is going on with the importation of terror gangs through the Southern Border and what he expects from that cohort?

Patrick replies, “This is 5th Generation Warfare and in 5th Generation Warfare, you don’t even know who the enemy is. The enemy is, I’m sad to say, because I’m a longterm lover of China but the enemy is China. They’re behind what’s going on in the US. This is a huge PSYOP that we’re going through and they understand warfare differently than we do, where there’s diplomatic and financial, there’s terrorism, there’s network-centric, which is like taking down electrical grids and such and then, there’s just terrorism, then there’s war…and they’ve already infiltrated 10,000,000 military-aged men or 12,000,000. They’ve been infiltrated over the last three years.

“You know, there’s an app. Have you done any stories about the app that they’re all using? There’s an app that’s spread globally and it recruits young, military-aged men and evidently, it makes it pretty clear that, ‘We want you to get into America.’ It’s even got organizing code on it, so they can organize into groups.

“Of course, they’ve got debit cards and they get cellphones when they come across. But this is really an organizing tool for there to be a cellular terrorist network, is what it sounds like. I’d love to see you to look into that app and write a story about it.

“So, this is all a very organized take-down of the US and the way they’re doing it is they don’t consider it shameful not to fight in open combat. They think that subverting and collapsing – and they want to occupy – I can go there with the big master plan, if you want.

“You should put a link to my speech at AmFest. In there, there’s a series of books I mention. One of them is the ‘Secret Speech of Chi Haotian’, I’ve given you this link before, I think.

“Imagine someone who was both the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Secretary of Defense and the Vice Chairman of the Democratic Party all at once, if there could be such a position – in a one-party state.

“That’s who this guy was. He retired in ’03 from some of the positions and he gave a speech, which leaked. It’s the highest-level leak in Chinese history and it’s about their plan and their plan is ultimately, ‘Two tigers cannot live on one mountain.’ They need to take us down, destroy us, turn us into a vassal state.

“How they do that is through a bioweapon that destabilizes us, we go to civil war. In civil war, 90% of us die. People should get out of their head this idea some glorious ‘Red Dawn’-type of movie. It’s ‘The Walking Dead’ without the zombies.

“Supply chains collapse. In about two weeks, we go through a tipping point we can’t emerge from easily and they’ve war-gamed this all out. 90% die in the one year from the supply chain collapse and then, there’s a three-year reign of the cartels and the Blue Helmets and they basically rape, pillage, burn for three years and when there’s nothing left but a husk, a carcass, they withdraw and China occupies and this [America] becomes ‘New China’.

“This becomes New China and it solves a 2,500-year-old problem for the Chinese, which is food, food and food. Only 4% of their land is arable. So, this becomes New China and their party line will be that, ‘China was the greatest civilization on Earth for 2,100 years, they fell into a 400-year depression, the West humiliated it and took advantage of it but when they emerged, they pulled the rug out from under the West, from under the greatest hegemon the world had ever seen and they reduced us to a vassal state, they occupied us.’

“They liquidate everyone, they exterminate all the Blacks and Hispanics – sorry to tell you folks that – I don’t make the rules – they terminate all the Blacks and Hispanics and most of the whites. They keep 30 million whites alive as slaves –”

Todd interjects, “Similar to what they’re doing with the Uyghurs, etc.”

Patrick responds. “Well, this is an extermination thing, not an internment camp thing. That’s how they take us. That’s the plan. That’s what they say and if you don’t believe me, look up the books listed in this speech that Todd’s going to put the link to…

“Take heart in the fact that this was supposed to be over by April-May of 2021 and the reason it’s not over is we did not get violent, just so you know.

“I’ve had people in the Federal Government tell me, ‘Patrick, the people you’re up against had a plan for everything you were going to do except one: staying peaceful. They thought there was no chance you guys were going to be peaceful. Everything else you could have done, they had a plan for.’ We would have all been in FEMA camps two years ago.

“It’s peaceful political organizing in action they have a hard time with, because we clearly have the numbers. But that’s the plan.”

Todd then asks him how he sees the Colorado Supreme Court’s removal of Donald Trump from the 2024 election playing out?

“I do think the Supreme Court will come to the rescue. I do think they’ll do the right thing and in the meantime, Trump’s polls have already gone up. I find it very telling that on Monday, you may have heard, just a few days ago. By surprise, the Capitol Police or US Park Service went into Arlington and started to remove the reconciliation statue. There’s a statue that commemorates the reconciliation of North and South.

“Their removing that was a go-signal, in my mind. Their attempting to remove that was a go-signal. Boy, they are trying to start a civil war. Fortunately, a restraining order was slapped on them by a Federal judge – an African-American Federal judge. I don’t know who appointed him [it was Trump] but he slapped a restraining order on them. How interesting.

“But it’s very interesting to do that with no warning on Monday – taking down the reconciliation and healing statue from the Civil War; it’s kind of greenlighting and saying, ‘We’re back at civil war.’

“These people are doing everything they can to get a civil war going. By the way, if that gets going, not only do these 10-12 million people get sworn-in in states and they become law officers and armed, you’ll see Biden call in the Blue Helmets. And when he calls in the Blue Helmets, that’s when all my previous protestations about, ‘We must remain peaceful’, I rescind, at that point, when the Blue Helmets start turning up.

“If you go back to 2015, 2016 there was this strange thing Obama did. He bought several million AR-15s or M4s and a trillion rounds of ammunition they’re spread in post offices and the IRS and you know, there’s 1,300 Federal Agencies and each one has a depot of arms to the teeth. I think those arms are pre-positioned for those 10 or 12 million military-aged males who’ve just been recruited through this app.”

Todd says he’s been saying that for a while and he asks him if he knows the name of this app. Patrick says he doesn’t know but they’re finding it on the phones of invaders from Pakistan, Africa. Patrick says the app helps them on their whole journey to the Southern Border to the US but it’s really a recruiting tool for soldiers to come fight, from what he understands.

Regarding whistleblower complaints that Patrick sent to 5 inspectors general, alleging Trump Special Prosecutor Jack Smith was involved in extortion while a prosecutor at The Hague International Criminal Court, he says the DOJ Inspector General wrote back and said, “We’re not going to touch this, because it’s not in our jurisdiction, because Jack was on leave from the DOJ when he was over in the Hague.”

Patrick says this “Is a little bit like saying that if the DEA found one of their senior important officials was actually Pablo Escobar and they proved that to them and they said, ‘Well, what he did when he was on leave from us, we don’t really care, that’s not in our jurisdiction.’

“It’s a silly position. Only one of the five has even answered and that’s how they answered and they did not sign the letter, even though we sent it personally to Horowitz or whoever is the DOJ Inspector General. There is no signature on it. Did you know the Colorado decision yesterday, there’s no signature on it?”

We’ve heard this before with most of the members of the treasonous Biden Cabinet, people like Alejandro Mayorkas and Lloyd Austin have not signed/executed their oaths of office.

Todd reminds Patrick that he had been working on another development and asks if there is a time frame on that?

“Yeah,” he replies, “I think there’ll be a lot of revelations before the end of March. If we can keep it together till the end of March or earlier, there will be a lot of revelations and I don’t want to give too much information but there’s a lot more things like this Jack Smith thing coming and…It may be as much as three months but you’re going to be seeing traces of that before then and this should all be over by the end March, I think.

“Really, this winter is when they’re going to – the closer we get to the election, the phonier it is for them to do something where they have to postpone the election. So, we’re coming into the season where they’re going to be doing stuff to try to disrupt the election.”


See video – Source: Patrick Byrne – Blacks/Hispanics Will Be Exterminated by China – Forbidden Knowledge TV

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