COVID Shots ARE Killing People…And People ARE Noticing

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By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD

Celebrities dying suddenly, athletes dying suddenly, young people and children found dead in their sleep at home, excess deaths are skyrocketing since the COVID shots rolled out in January 2021.  What’s going on? Why are our public health officials and government agencies not disclosing the actual data on the catastrophic damage to people from the COVID shots?

In an interview in 2022 MIT Professor Retsef Levi said The Ministry of Health in Israel is actively hiding critical information about side effects from the Israeli public. Why is that important? In all the approval stages of the FDA, Pfizer is relying on data from Israel.”

In March 2023, Professor Levi made even stronger statements on social media and interviews further exposing the shocking data from Israel’s Ministry of Health showing unequivocally that the COVID shots were killing people.  Steve Kirsch’s Vaccine newsletter November 5, 2023 documents in detail how the Israel Ministry of health data shows this unassailable conclusion and yet continues to be hidden from the public by governments and public health officials.  Read the full analysis here:

People are being lied to, and people are dying. Deaths are rising over time, and the data shows that your risk of death increases exponentially with each COVID shot you receive.  By the time a person has received 5 COVID shots, risk of death has increased over 50%. It is an unconscionable violation of the public trust.

As Steve Kirsch said 11/5/23: “The lack of transparency of record-level public health data allows them to keep killing people without getting caught. Nobody pushing the jabs is calling for data transparency of public health data. This is a huge red flag. This is a sign of a corrupt, out of control government.”

Further shocking cover-up of vaccine damage by the Israeli authorities has been exposed in these articles going back to 2022:

But to date, no public health officials anywhere, and no government agencies have taken a single step to stop the damage and death by ending the COVID-19 “vaccination” program.  In fact, our governments have gone full bore the opposite direction, knowing the harm being caused to their citizens, yet pushing strongly for more and more covid 19 boosters and continued mass “vaccination” in people of all ages, even when these injections have been shown to be deadly, dangerous and have no effect to reduce spread of the illness.

In addition to the mRNA technology being “toxic by design” according to former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon, the even more dangerous levels of variation in dosing, contamination that includes DNA, SV40 oncogenic monkey virus components, heavy metals, mold and other substances is another failure of regulatory oversight and inspection of manufacturing practices and facilities that is adding to the medical damage and toxicity causing deaths.  Some lots have 10,000 times more mRNA than the allowed doses; some COVID jab batches have 30 times higher kill ratio than others.  NEVER in the history of modern medicine has such outrageous and deadly variation been allowed in pharmaceutical manufacturing. See

Our international team of experts discuss the ways governments, public health officials, and mainstream medicine in all the major Western highly vaccinated countries have colluded to intentionally hide data on the deaths and damage.  Governments and the politicized mainstream medical communities are continuing to abdicate their safety oversight authority and duty, and propagandize the public with the drumbeat of “safe and effective” when the data shows the COVID shots are dangerous, highly effective killing shots.

In his documentary The Primordial Code, Marijn Poels explains how a false narrative has managed to keep the whole foundation of our being in its grip by shifting reality into myths. His film is the story of how oppression and fear have kept us from developing our primal forces for thousands of years, which are now being reclaimed worldwide.  One of his powerful messages is encouraging for us today when he said “Its a game. If you can rob humanity of their true origins, you can make of them whatever you want…..and they did. The battlefield is the mind and the prize is the soul. And believe it or not a game where we can decide if we are playing with them, or not.”  This quote is at 2:02:28 into the film, but watch from 2:01:35.  Watch the film here:

FINALLY, in spite of the governments intentionally harming their citizens, people ARE noticing the damage. Practically everyone we talk to know someone who’s gotten the shots and died or been diagnosed with a rapidly aggressive cancer or had a heart attack or stroke or worsening autoimmune illnesses. FINALLY, people are saying NO to more boosters.  Booster update is down to 2% in most Western countries.  That is how we survive this attack on humanity with the bioweapon COVID shots: JUST SAY NO.


Source: COVID Shots ARE Killing People…And People ARE Noticing. – Truth for Health Foundation

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