Hydroxychloroquine may have Prevented 420,000 Covid Deaths in US

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The American scientist James Lyons-Weilier has published on his IPAK (Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge) website a very interesting study conducted by a university professor of economics from Michigan State University, Mark Skidmore, which analyzed the positive incidence of the use of Hydroxychloriquine against Covid that may have prevented over 520,000 deaths in Western countries where it was banned, and at least 420,000 in the US

The academic professor discovered that African countries, where it was already routinely used against malaria, noted an enormous benefit compared to those of the European Union and the USA where it was instead excluded from therapies authorized by health bodies after many disputes.

In Italy a legal challenge reached the Council of State, after the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio (TAR in Italian acronymous) had accepted the appeal of an association that opposed the government health protocol of “paracetamol and watchful waiting” highlighting the usefulness of HCQ and Vitamin D.

Despite this, the judges agreed with the Italian Ministry of Health which had opposed the TAR’s decision by continuing to hinder the use of hydroxychloriquine and vitamin D and causing “a record number of deaths in Italy”, as noted by the virologist Maria Rita Gismondo of ‘Sacco Hospital in Milan, to promote the dangerous mRNA vaccines against Covid.

Instead, the French Parliament opened an official inquiry on the on the boycott of HCQ after the Marseille doctor and microbiologist Didier Raoult, specialized in infectious diseases, had highlighted its benefits.

On June, 15, 2020, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revoked the emergency use authorization (EUA) that allowed for chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate donated to the Strategic National Stockpile to be used to treat certain hospitalized patients with COVID-19 when a clinical trial was unavailable, or participation in a clinical trial was not feasible.

The agency determined that the legal criteria for issuing an EUA are no longer met.


Source: Hydroxychloroquine may have Prevented 420,000 Covid Deaths in US | Principia Scientific Intl.

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