Cardiovascular Health is Declining in the Era of COVID-19 Shots

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It has been two years, two months, and five days (or 797 total days) since the administration of my employer, the University of Guelph, banned me from accessing my office and laboratory.
– B. Bridle –


I previously published articles (here, here, and here) about trends in the number of ambulance calls between 2019 and 2022. I wrote these articles because I had a narrative drilled into my head ad nauseum. The narrative went like this…

COVID-19 unleashed a world of hurt on the global population in 2020. This rapidly caused emergency medical services to become overloaded. Ambulance crews were swamped with calls. This resulted in emergency rooms and intensive care units becoming loaded beyond capacities. This was followed by the widespread administration of COVID-19 shots that could purportedly prevent serious outcomes in 2021 and beyond.

However, the multiple data sources I have studied so far show that ambulance call volumes DECREASED in 2020 but have been on a steady increase since the shots were rolled out.

As a scientist, I understand that a correlation does not necessarily equal causation and there are many complex factors involved. Nonetheless, the trends are disconcerting, they counter the popular narrative and are, therefore, worth intensive investigations. The public release of transparent data would assist in this effort.

Today, I received a novel data set that was obtained through a ‘freedom of information’ request. I would like to share it with you.

The Niagara Region (in Ontario, Canada) Paramedic Services provided the following raw data for ambulance calls for ‘cardiovascular events’. These events are based on symptoms for chest pain or stroke and would include things like heart attacks, strokes and thrombotic events (blood clots)…

To help dissect these data, I made the following graph…

I calculated the slopes for three portions of the data:

  1. Pre-COVID years 2015-2019.
  2. COVID year 2020 when SARS-CoV-2 was allowed to rip through the population while early treatment strategies were discouraged.
  3. The years of the COVID-19 shots that some claim saved all of humanity.

The slope is an indication of how much a problem is increasing (positive #) or decreasing (negative #) over time. A bigger # suggests the problem is getting disproportionately worse.


Pre-COVID years: The number of cardiovascular events for which ambulances were called was on the rise (slope = 180.4). This makes sense for a growing population. I confirmed this growth by checking the Niagara Region’s population data.

The year that COVID ran wild through the ‘unprotected’ population, the slope was only 48, meaning that there was barely an increase in calls relative to the year prior to the declaration of a pandemic; it almost flat-lined and call numbers stayed below what they were back in 2018. This contradicts nasty messages that I received from some paramedics in early 2021 who thought I was ‘off my rocker nuts’ for suggesting that there might not be a net benefit to masking, locking down and injecting children.

In stark contrast to the narrative that I was taught, there has been a startling increase in the rate at which ambulance calls have been occurring for cardiovascular events ever since the COVID shots that were guaranteed to prevent severe disease were rolled out. Notably, the slope was 487. This means that calls for cardiovascular events have been increasing in the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ era at 2.7-times the rate of the pre-COVID era.

Why did cardiovascular events almost flat-line when SARS-CoV-2 was circulating for an entire year without shots, only to explode in a way that mirrors the cumulative COVID-19 shots administered?

When it comes to the sad affair of transporting people suffering from cardiovascular events to hospitals, objective paramedics in the Niagara Region should, in theory, prefer the year 2020 over the years since the COVID-19 shots came out.

If this phenomenon is unrelated to the shots (correlation does not necessarily equal causation), then what is to blame?

I am always open to considering any and all opinions backed by primary scientific evidence.

What I care the most about is the fact that the cardiovascular health of Canadians is worse in the era of COVID-19 shots, and declining at an alarming rate. We need to figure this out.


Source: Cardiovascular Health is Declining in the Era of COVID-19 Shots

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