Emerging Concerns Surrounding mRNA Vaccines

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For some, the COVID-19 vaccine was viewed as what would get us “back to normal.” For others, it was the only thing standing between their next paycheck and the unemployment line. No matter the reason or rationale behind why so many people chose to take it, the lies about safety, efficacy, and potential long-term effects are beginning to unravel.

The same people who were raising questions surrounding the entire COVID-19 pandemic were also asking very basic questions about the vaccine that no one seemed to be able to answer. We had no safety data, no real understanding of how it worked, and certainly no discussion about potential risks or complications. The regurgitation of the same talking points from the members of our government and their cousins in the mainstream media were touting this as nothing but safe and effective.

Two recent studies have now come out, and both are exposing some potentially dangerous adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The first examines a group of vaccinated individuals who demonstrate that they themselves are making spike protein months after injection. What does it mean for long-term health? Is spike protein production a forever thing? Are there impacts to our DNA? I feel this is the start of uncovering much of what some of us were cautioning against when signing up for this vaccine.

The second, equally scary but saddens me, is the discovery of VAIDS or Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in children post-vaccination. The effects of the vaccine on a child’s immune system appear to be beyond detrimental. Short-term, long-term, how severe? Again, these questions should have been asked and answered with studies to support them before handing our kids over to the experimental teams of big pharma.


Source: Emerging Concerns Surrounding mRNA Vaccines – America Out Loud News

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