How About We Just Say ‘No’ to the Fauci Fascism Revival?

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Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Caprinia was exceedingly adept at helping Walmart strangers believe that they could touch their toes even in their darkest moments.

Anthony Fauci — the chronic STD of tyrannical bureaucrats — is back to bother the nice people again. Worry not, faithful readers, I won’t spend too much time on the worm. Yesterday was a slow, federal holiday news cycle though, and I needed a foil for us patriotic, freedom-loving types.

I had zero hope that Fauci would fade away in retirement. He was beyond tedious when Donald Trump first weaponized him. He became the most insufferable human on Earth after Biden and Co. elevated him to secular cult god status. It wasn’t difficult to figure out that the guy would be polluting every spotlight he could find for the rest of his life.

The question is whether Fauci has staying power in the short attention span era. There are, after all, a seemingly endless supply of aspiring tyrants for American leftists to worship in lieu of Dr. Masksalot.

A recent television appearance by Fauci got interesting when an interviewer from CNN veered perilously close to journalism while talking to the not-so-good doctor. Michael wrote about it yesterday:

Modern-day journalism has transformed into nothing more than a progressive propaganda machine, so much so that when folks who work for big mainstream media outlets like CNN actually perform their duties as real journalists it’s so shocking it actually becomes the headline for other news content creators and aggregators.

In other words, when a progressive media company suddenly adheres to old school standards of journalism and attempts to reach the truth and hold people in positions of power and authority accountable for their actions, it in and of itself becomes news. That’s how bad the media is right now.

This is precisely why I’m writing this piece to discuss CNN host Michael Smerconish and his recent confrontation with the notorious and mostly hated Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who headed up the government’s COVID response during the thick of the pandemic.

Smerconish is one of those kinda/sorta former Republicans who, upon the arrival of His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama, realized that he could make gobs of money by being a turncoat. This path to big paychecks still exists for conservatives in media; some of us have principles and integrity and weird stuff like that though.

As you have no doubt surmised, Fauci is making the rounds to join the COVID panic parade chorus that conveniently began rehearsals just as the Republican primary debates got underway. I’ve been at this far too long to believe that there’s any coincidence involved there.

Not surprisingly, Fauci reflexively began to babble about masks, which did prompt Smerconish to push back a little. It was… different.

Look, we know that Fauci and his ilk are going to try to revive the COVID freakouts whenever they need them, but I don’t think it’s going to work out that well. Many of my friends and colleagues think that people in extremely blue parts of the country are going to quickly fall back into their 2020 habits if told to do so by their government overlords and I disagree.

Read the room, tyrants, even your gullible lefties have moved on from the COVID protocols madness. Sure, the occasional “ZOMG WHY AREN’T PEOPLE WEARING MASKS?!?!?!?” loons will show up on social media, but it’s tough to keep the crazy cousins from wandering into the reunion in a big family. (I’m not sure where I was going with that either, but it makes sense if you ponder it for a while. I think.)

It’s a given that we right-wing nutjobs aren’t going to be big on compliance with any new COVID rules they might try to roll out. What’s going to be interesting is seeing which parts of America offer up the first signs of resistance from the Left.

Because it’s gonna happen.

ICYMI — The Censors Are Hitting Conservatives Hard Just in Time for Election Season

I wrote this column at the end of last week, so it got caught up in the holiday weekend. It’s an important one, however. The Big Tech censors have been particularly awful to those of us in conservative media since the early days of the COVID pandemic. Now that the GOP primary debates have begun, they’re getting bolder about financially throttling us over topics that we can’t help but cover. I give the details in the column, so please give it a read if you have a minute or two to spare. This is going to be a battle.


Source: How About We Just Say ‘No’ to the Fauci Fascism Revival? – PJ Media

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