Ever since Israel became the first country to implement a domestic vaccine certification system last month, concerns have grown that similar systems will be replicated worldwide. The certification system being used in Israel clears those who have been vaccinated as safe to use certain facilities like gyms and restaurants or enable them to go to public events. China too has launched a virus passport, where a QR code-based digital health certificate shows a user’s vaccination status and recent Covid test results. It will “promote world economic recovery and facilitate cross-border travel,” a China Foreign Ministry spokesman said last week. Chinese citizens download the app via the WeChat social media platform, similar to the digital tracking systems already established in China. There, a “social credit system” grades citizens on social and public behavior—such as whether they support or criticize the Chinese government. Their scores then adjudicate whether they receive certain privileges or face restrictions.

Several countries, private organizations, technology firms along with the World Health Organization (WHO) have lauded the usefulness of a certification system, especially a digital one that will contribute to revitalizing the travel industry post-pandemic. They envision that when you fly into a country, you will scan an app at border control. If it validates you as having had a vaccine or negative test result, you will not need to go through the country’s quarantine process. If you don’t have a pass, you will likely need to quarantine for up to 14 days at your expense. Still, uncertainties surround the long-term effect of vaccines, and there are many questions raised about privacy concerns with these kinds of systems. 

Vaccine Passports

Vaccine passports are not a new concept.  


Full story here – Source: Vaccine Passports Become a Reality in Several Countries – UncoverDC