Power hungry COVID cultists demand return of MASK mandates so they can order people around

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Believe it or not, there is still a contingent of mentally deranged automatons out there that is demanding another round of mask mandates and lockdowns for the latest alleged strains of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

A bunch of mostly white, fully masked Canadians held a rally in Vancouver at which they held up signs about Fauci Flu infections and so-called “long COVID,” which they claim necessitates more medical fascism.

Members of “Postcards for Public Health” and “Do Not Harm B.C.,” as they call themselves, were seen standing around like dolts on a public right-of-way in British Columbia to push for more COVID tyranny, stat – watch the video below:

“What brought me out here is my basic moral outrage,” said one masked elderly woman named Karina Zeidler, co-founder of “Protect Our Province B.C.” and clearly a leftist, to reporters.

She and the rest of the mask zealots stood in front of the office of Adrian Dix, MLA, B.C.’s health minister to beg her for a return of the province’s mask mandates, which were dropped back in April.

“I have many patients who are extremely medically vulnerable having to decide, ‘should I go into the hospital or not to receive care, knowing now that I’m also going to have to be exposed, potentially, to getting a virus which may then very significantly impact my health?'”

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Pro-mask extremists attack unmasked man

Another young woman by the name of Kaylie Jamieson, who identified herself as “immunocompromised” to City News, told the media that she was out there protesting for more mask mandates because her entire life was apparently destroyed by COVID.

“I’m your typical young person that was previously healthy before getting infected,” Jamieson said, mumbling often incoherently through her mask.

“And I got one [inaudible] infection of [inaudible] back in the summer of 2021, and now I have long COVID. And it’s been over 20 months and I’ve had to leave my two jobs – I used to be a master’s student at SFU, and my entire life has completely changed. I can no longer exercise.”

It is nothing short of a miracle that Jamieson is able to still stand out on a sidewalk holding a sign for hours on end, seeing as how she is no longer able to work at all or go to school because of her long COVID mental illness.

At one point during the protest, a group of counter protesters gathered across the street to demonstrate against the pro-mask zealots, who attacked one counter protester named Rob who believes that all Canadians should have freedom of choice when it comes to wearing a mask or not.

“I’ve never worn a mask, and I will continue to not wear a mask because I think it’s still legal,” Rob said to reporters following his assault at the hands of the mask fanatics.

The pro-mask extremists also called for better ventilation inside health care facilities across Canada. In an attempt to get their point across, some of them laid on the ground while others drew a chalk silhouette around their bodies, the suggestion being that without mask mandates and better ventilation, pro-mask extremists could die suddenly.

“It would be great to see, um, more access to boosters and Paxlovid,” Jamieson further told the media about what she wants in order to feel safe against COVID.


Source: Power hungry COVID cultists demand return of MASK mandates so they can order people around – NaturalNews.com

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