Political Correctness the Marxist Way

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People have been silenced enough and have given the communist left so much power that they are now cancelling the professional existence and the people’s ability to make a living in their respective fields

The Marxist left is so triggered by everything that they look for an insult in every gesture, word, or action. And academics are eager to provide euphemistic words and expressions that they deem non-threatening in order to pacify the insecure and mentally ill.

Words no longer mean what the dictionary and overt reality describe. Words and definitions are changed to express the abject insecurity of the communist left. People are not supposed to “judge” because reality is too painful to experience, they must sugarcoat everything to make the Marxist left “happy.”

The political correctness insanity started decades ago

The globalist billionaires keep telling us that in their new world order they’ve been working on for decades to implement, “you will own nothing and be happy about it.” They will get to keep all their modern comforts while the rest of us will forcibly adopt a manufactured global warming way of life.

If you are starving or unable to buy enough food in the highly inflationary economy that President Biden has been working very hard to achieve and has achieved beyond his leftist regime’s dreams, you are “food insecure.”

Criminals who break the law and should be punished swiftly, are coddled by psychologists who work overtime, trying to find a reason why the said criminals did what they did–they were “misguided victims” of society and should therefore not held responsible for their heinous deeds.

This “sanitized babble” extends to those who are experiencing poverty, they have “bank account malnutrition.” Politicians spend more time redefining poverty than actually solving it.

The political correctness insanity started decades ago. As a teacher, I was told not to use red pens because it was an “aggressive” color and it frightened the failing students.

Our ever more sissified students receive an education which “sanitizes life” to such an extent so as not to offend them or trigger them in any way

And don’t tell students that they are wrong, just coddle them and say, yes, you are right, but don’t you think that this answer [the correct one] might be better?

Teachers were not allowed to teach the Holocaust or the Crusades because it offended the Muslim students. Crosses were not allowed to be worn by Christian teachers because it offended Muslim students and colleagues.

In 2005 the NCAA decided to ban any team whose name they deemed “hostile or abusive.” And the professional sports organizations followed suit. Names were changed and mascots were gone. Then the anti-American knee bending came during the playing of the National Anthem.

Our ever more sissified students receive an education which “sanitizes life” to such an extent so as not to offend them or trigger them in any way. Universities have become the “safe spaces” for the most cowardly generations that America has raised. Never mind that real life and the world of work are harsh.

Children must be constantly praised, and are given participation trophies for walking across the stage without tripping

Schools in Fairfax County, Virginia, are getting rid of their scoring system because failing grades are making students feel bad about themselves. Children must be constantly praised, and are given participation trophies for walking across the stage without tripping.

It is no surprise that we raised several generations of Americans who are “addicted” to undeserved praise. They are now the “reality-challenged” Americans. They whine and work as paid protesters in the organized mobs of the BLM and Antifa.

In the crazy political correctness environment, illegal aliens are “undocumented citizens” and “temporary citizens,” terrorists are “malcontents” and “warriors.” If you have some handicap, you are “differently abled.” If you have a form of “slow learning,” you are a “selective learner.”

Who was the inspiration for this political correctness madness that infiltrated our schools slowly but surely for a long time? Marxists of course, like Georg Lukacs, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Felix Weil were the fathers of the PC that is suffocating our society. Lukacs waged war on our Western culture which he called “cultural terrorism.” Sexual promiscuity was at the top of the list to help Marxists win the war against Christianity and freedom.

The current slate of Marxists whine non-stop via their corporate and police state media

The culture war started with the help of Germany’s Institute for Social Research which escaped Hitler’s Germany and moved to New York City at Columbia University in 1933. Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse promoted the now infamous “inclusion” and “multiculturalism” which includes everyone except white people and conservatives.

The current slate of Marxists whine non-stop via their corporate and police state media that we are not diverse enough in America, so “diversity” and “inclusion” comprise their non-stop agenda, after man-made “climate change” and manufactured “racism.” Accusing everyone of the very racism they are engaging in, the left is nauseating half of the country and the world with their absurd claims.

The war on Christmas, Christianity, traditional family, reality, and sexual biology completes their offensive against western culture. The communist left is now removing and destroying statues, monuments, tombs, street names, military base names, and everything else in history they disagree with and find offensive. Confused children are “transgendered” without their parents’ consent, with the blessing of the medical field and schools.

Books are banned, characters in books and plays are rewritten to fit the leftist agenda, deceased authors’ words are changed to be acceptable to the Marxist left; commercials and movies are almost exclusively representing the black and brown population, and Hollywood is remaking classics to reflect the obsessive Marxist “diversity.”

It is urgent that we take back our freedom of speech, the First Amendment slowly being disappeared by the Marxist political correctness

Never mind that Snow White, as the name implies, is a fairy tale written for a Nordic character who is white, not black or brown, and the seven dwarfs were just that, dwarfs, not “little people,” and they were not black, brown, gay, Asian, or transgender as recently depicted.

It is urgent that we take back our freedom of speech, the First Amendment slowly being disappeared by the Marxist political correctness. It is important to take our language back. The Marxists succeeded in controlling our language and are thus controlling the argument and us.

Political correctness was never about “diversity,” it was about Marxist control, about replacing our culture with “cultural Marxism.” You are not “intolerant” or “racist” if you reclaim your First Amendment right to free speech. The Marxist version of “diversity” actually stifles diverse opinions.

Political correctness is a very bad communist idea and is twisting reality and destroying our formerly free capitalist society. People must reclaim their right to free speech as outlined in the First Amendment of the Constitution. People have been silenced enough and have given the communist left so much power that they are now cancelling the professional existence and the people’s ability to make a living in their respective fields.


Source: Political Correctness the Marxist Way | Canada Free Press

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