Circles within Circles, Strategy and Stillness

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Two weeks ago, at a live screening of the Great Awakening at Godspeak Church here in Thousand Oaks, California, I had the privilege to be on stage with G. Edward Griffin, a social historian and author of the Creature from Jekyll Island whose deep research on the founding of the Federal Reserve and the IRS (and the connection between the two) has changed the way the world understands the real history of these fraudulent institutions. What he shared that day is an important component to my model of how God wins in these challenging times.

I talk a lot about ‘institutional memory,’ a term that reflects how the language we have used for decades has been hijacked and is slowly being replaced by new terms and terminology. Words like ‘immunization’ have been changed in front of our very eyes literally all the way down to Webster’s definitions (you can see the prior one here from visiting the wayback machine – at least for now – and its current definition). And when did Merriam-Webster become a marketing channel for vaccine rollout campaigns across new countries? Suddenly immunization and vaccination are used interchangeably. While in fact, no “vaccination” has ever given lifelong immunity to a disease causing pathogen as our God-Given natural immunity has always done.

And what does institutional memory have to do with how we win?  It is the foundation language of how we communicate and educate ourselves and each other as we build a new plan. 

On stage on August 5th, Mr. Griffin spoke about why the enemy holds so much power. They do it from what he calls creating ‘circles within circles,’ a ‘conspiracy’ of sorts, where one person with the vision/strategy surrounds himself with a small group of trusted advisors and then from there, another circle and another, trusted rings within rings to execute the plan.

While many are waking up and realizing the power the corrupt government and corporate organizations (like Pharma) have held over us, only a few are understanding the importance of what Ed is saying here, and fewer are able to execute based on this model.

Griffin goes on to share with us how there are so many critical things we already have in our favor, we have critical understanding, critical ideas, even critical solutions. But if we cannot strategically execute on these critical things, we go nowhere. We need strategy. And he even cites football plays, “Why can’t we use the statue of liberty play, for example?” Why are we always thinking only the other side should use strategy?

Building trusted teams, learning to find and understand our unique value, slowing down, building strategy, and being still, these are the strategies in the playbook of God’s plan. And we have the playbook already – it’s called the Bible!

I talk a lot also about being still. Why does that matter? Because without stillness we cannot hear the voice of others, or the voice of God amidst the cacophony. When we cannot hear, we cannot incorporate the important gifts from those around us, from our own inner circles, we cannot move with cohesion, intention and strategy.

We don’t need to be continually reacting to the other side, out of panic. We need to understand their playbook, yes, but more importantly, we need to be living fully from our own.


Source: Circles within Circles, Strategy and Stillness

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