Ukrainian Diplomat Blows the Whistle on Joe and Hunter Biden

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Last Updated on August 1, 2023

A former Ukrainian diplomat joined the Stew Peters Show to expose the massive international corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden who, along with the rest of NATO’s globalist establishment, have turned Ukraine into a multi-billion dollar killing field, making countless fortunes over the bodies of hundreds of thousands of people on both sides of the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict.

Ukrainian diplomat-turned-whistleblower Andrii Telizhenko joined TV news host Stew Peters on his mega-viral Stew Peters Show to expose the massive corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden, along with their associates in both Eastern Europe and the West, who have turned Ukraine into their own globalist flea market at the expense of the country itself and the lives of Russians and Ukrainians alike.

Telizhenko came forward way back in 2016, years before the current and highly deadly phase of Ukraine’s conflict with Russia, to blow the whistle on Hunter and Joe’s corruption.

“Telizhenko has exposed how Democrat operatives work closely with Burisma, the fraudulent energy company, through the left-wing consulting firm Blue Star Strategies,” Peters explained while introducing the former Ukrainian diplomat. “He says that he not only saw Joe Biden himself take part in multiple conversations with Blue Star about Ukraine and Burisma but that he saw Blue Star craft a document for Joe Biden on how to basically conquer Ukraine by using a war to turn it into a puppet state.”

Thanks to the Soros-backed 2014 revolution that overthrew Ukraine’s democratically-elected government, “the Biden family took control and was in control fully of a huge European county, one of the largest countries in Europe,” Telizhenko told Peters when he joined the broadcast.

Ukrainian politicians, oligarchs, and more were “all working for US intelligence, the Biden family, or British intelligence,” who set agendas and rigged elections on behalf of their Manchurian candidates, Telizhenko revealed.

As a result of his vast knowledge of Biden family corruption and the raping and pillaging of his home nation by the globalist class, Telizhenko has become the frequent target of the uni-party-media-complex, with CNN using one of its favorite character assassination phrases to accuse him of spreading “baseless conspiracy theories,” while elected officials block attempts to bring Telizhenko to DC to testify about what he knows.

“I know who was behind my destruction, I know who was behind the destruction of President Trump because these people are all inter-connected. The Bushes, the Obamas, the Clintons, and today, Biden is just their puppet. He’s working for them and making money for himself. That’s why he cannot leave the presidency. Because as soon as he leaves the presidency, his son will be put in prison, so he’s working for them as a puppet,” said Telizhenko.

“And by the way,” Peters responded, “The deep state, the uni-party know that, which is why they can hide [Biden] away in his basement again, usher in another fake plandemic, have chaos in our streets, Chinese spy balloons, aliens, UFOs, shiny distractions everywhere and they can just re-install this guy. Because they know where all the bodies are buried; they’re in Ukraine and we continue to fund it.”


Source: Stew Peters Show: Ukrainian Diplomat Blows the Whistle on Joe and Hunter Biden – National File

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