Dangerous Biden rule would outlaw nearly every gas-powered generator as well as gas stoves

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Dangerous Biden rule would outlaw nearly every gas-powered generator as well as gas stoves

It’s blatantly obvious that the psychopaths running Joe Biden’s administration are preparing to send Americans back into the 1800s while they continue to live a life of luxury and privilege as they rule over the masses.

Earlier this year, the Biden regime stunned millions of Americans when the EPA issued a notice that it was planning to adopt a new rule phasing out all natural-gas-powered stoves, all under the phony guise of “climate change” and false statements about how gas stoves ‘negatively impact health,’ even though Americans have been using them safely for nearly a century.

Now we learn that the same rule will also bar most gas-powered generators — just as the regime is forcing everyone into electric vehicles even though they know that the U.S. power grid, as is, cannot handle the current load plus tens of millions of EVs.

A proposed rule by the Consumer Product Safety Commission aims to restrict the amount of carbon monoxide emitted by-products, the Washington Free Beacon reported this week. However, the commission acknowledges that 95 percent of the portable gas generators currently available on the market will be unable to meet the new standard.

Industry leaders argue that the rule will lead to a significant shortage of generators, as manufacturers have only six months to develop generators that comply with the proposed regulation, a process that typically takes years. Susan Orenga, the executive director of the Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association, conveyed this concern to the outlet.

The proposed rule comes shortly after Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr., backed by Biden, hinted at a similar regulatory ban on gas stoves, which he referred to as a “hidden hazard.”

This rule also emerges at a time when many Americans are confronting a higher likelihood of power outages due to the growing dependence on green energy for electricity production, the Free Beacon added. According to a leading grid watchdog’s findings in May, a staggering two-thirds of North America faces an “elevated risk” of power blackouts this summer, a situation influenced by the increasing use of green power generation and the reduction of fossil fuel power plants.

As an illustration of this vulnerability, California experienced power outages during the summer of 2022 as electricity demand surged.

Portable gas generators serve as valuable solutions for households during power outages, with almost five million households relying on them for backup power. But, if the Biden administration proceeds with finalizing its proposed rule, acquiring these generators could become a challenge.

The commission’s rule includes a prohibition on manufacturers from stockpiling non-compliant generators before the rule takes effect, potentially leading to shortages in the market.

In addition to the CPSC’s rule on generators, Biden’s Energy Department has introduced a series of environmental regulations aimed at combating climate change. Among these regulations, the department’s proposed gas stove rule could potentially result in the banning of half of all stove models currently available on the U.S. market.

Furthermore, the department has put forth or implemented energy efficiency rules that specifically target washing machines, refrigerators, and lightbulbs. These measures reflect the administration’s commitment to ‘promoting more sustainable practices and reducing the environmental impact’ of everyday household appliances, the Free Beacon noted.

“Collectively,” the department claimed in February, “these energy actions … support President Biden’s ambitious clean energy agenda to combat the climate crisis.”

“Many portable generator manufacturers already impose voluntary standards to keep consumers safe from carbon monoxide emissions,” the outlet reported. “The Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association standard requires a generator to automatically shut off when carbon monoxide concentrations hit certain levels. It also imposes product warning labels and durability requirements for the shutoff systems.

“Still, the Biden administration is looking to adopt more stringent carbon monoxide emission caps from Underwriters Laboratories, an international product safety company,” the report added.

Nobody elected Biden to take away their gas stoves and generators, let alone their gas-powered cars. This left-wing authoritarian nightmare of an administration must be stopped.


Source: Dangerous Biden rule would outlaw nearly every gas-powered generator as well as gas stoves – NaturalNews.com

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