Department of Defense and BARDA Called the Shots on the ‘COVID Vaccines’

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Sasha Latypova, a retired expert and consultant with the pharmaceutical industry, has become a most profound investigator of what has been the collaboration of the Department of Defense (DoD), Moderna, Pfizer, and ultimately what we call the organized global predators.

She has determined and documented with other researchers that the DoD and BARDA were the organizing and responsible forces, as well as a major funder, behind the entire manufacturer and distribution of the Moderna and Pfizer genetic jabs in the U.S.

Along with Bill Gates and the Western global predators, with help from the Chinese Communist regime, the two drug companies became virtual arms of the DoD attacking America itself. One judge dropped a civil case against Pfizer when Pfizer produced documentation that all its actions were made legitimate by its contracts with the Department of Defense.

The so-called vaccines were, in fact, being developed unregulated under a DoD provision called the Other Transaction Authority intended for secret weapons and not medicines or vaccines.

What could have led our own Department of Defense to use a biological weapon to attack us, the very people the DoD is supposed to defend? Our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, documents that global predatory governance has captured agencies like the CDC, the FDA, NIH, and the umbrella agency, HHS. Now it has also captured President Joe Biden enriching him and his family with criminal business deals.

The result is that the American government is serving the interests of the global predators by participating in the destruction of the United States as the last remaining fortress of freedom against the predatory globalists and the completion of their global totalitarian governance.

We have written, documenting that there was a whole industry chomping at the bit to create and use mRNA and DNA products to deliver vaccine material and other treatments.

Sasha Latypova commented that before COVID injections were introduced and given to humans, mRNA had only been used to deliver final, Hail Mary, experimental treatments to terminally ill cancer patients.

In October 2019, the Milkin Institutes’ Future Health Summit 2019 panel discussed how the new technology could be brought into use quickly instead of over a period of a decade or more. “Why don’t we blow the system up? Obviously, we can’t just turn off the spigot on the system we have and then say, ‘Hey, everyone in the world should get this new vaccine we haven’t given to anyone yet.’ But there must be some way…”1 Two of the most influential vaccine proponents in the world and in the U.S. government were part of the panel — both Anthony Fauci and Rick Bright of BARDA.2

Now that very vision, expressed in 2019 by that panel, has been engineered into place. The entire vaccine industry has been “blown up.” The NEW vaccine industry is basing products on mRNA and DNA technology and platforms. As we have reported,3 mRNA investments are booming. The next wave of mRNA products is coming down the pipeline with over $50 billion market share this year.4

The mRNA and DNA products are both toxic and deadly, and yet here we are. The entire vaccine industry has been “blown up.” Human beings the world over are now the lab rats of the illegal, deadly new industry of mRNA products.5 We continue to call for a ban on all mRNA and DNA vaccines and treatments, as well as platforms.6 As we declared before, “Unbelievable wealth is accruing as the ‘COVID vaccines’ are administered. And there is a promise of more wealth as other mRNA applications are rolled out. This is blood money. It is past time for a ban.”


Source: Department of Defense and BARDA Called the Shots on the ‘COVID Vaccines’ – America Out Loud News

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