Distribution and Quality Control of Lipid Nanoparticles for mRNA Shots to be Researched

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This should be of major concern to every human being that got a COVID-19 shot…

News of an expanded collaboration between McGill University in Canada and Moderna has just been publicized. It describes two research projects. Please take a look at project #2. It is “a study to characterize LNPs so that their specific size and payload distribution may be better understood“. I have one simple question. Should there not have been an adequate understanding of the biodistribution of these LNPs PRIOR to a global rollout? Some of my colleagues destroyed my career when I suggested this needed to be done two years ago!

The announcement also admits that “Standard techniques cannot simultaneously quantify the size and payload of individual LNPs, and thus often only averages are measured that mask individual variation and mask the relationship between size and payload.“. In other words, as many wise and concerned scientists have pointed out at great risk to their careers, the real dose of mRNAs being delivered in each shot is not known, particularly across different batches. This is an open admission that one person can potentially receive a very different dose than another, regardless of the ‘average’ dose stated on the vial. Never before has there been a global rollout of a drug where physicians are unable to accurately administer defined doses.

Finally, “The results [of the study] will guide the optimization of LNP manufacturing and could be used for quality control for the manufacture of mRNA-based vaccines“. Hello!!! Should this optimization and development of a proper quality control system not have been done PRIOR to a global rollout?

I am shocked! I don’t know about you, but to me these appear to be open admissions that mRNA shots were developed too quickly and used on the public prematurely. There is no way to interpret this other than that the grand experiment of the past two years has been used to guide research that should have preceded the global human research project. Basic things like understanding where a drug goes in the body and how to optimize quality control oversight of its manufacturing and standardize its dosing should have been done extensively and satisfactorily more than two years ago!

Shame on the manufacturers.

Shame on the health regulators.

Shame on the mainstream media outlets that failed to hold these people to account.

And shame on all the ‘experts’ who promoted these shots!

Science has been flipped on its head when the global human population now serves as research subjects for pre-clinical and translational studies.

To media outlets everywhere: This is an egregious breach of scientific and medical principles and must be investigated. McGill University and Moderna need to be asked why these very important questions were not addressed prior to injecting most people in the world.


Source: Distribution and Quality Control of Lipid Nanoparticles for mRNA Shots to be Researched

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