If you believe that China does not use mRNA on its citizens…

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One of the often promoted “health freedom” theories out there is China bad. Very bad. China bought all of the US Government, and also Pfizer. Then China attacked us with “genetically modified gain-of-function virus”, made by the Bat Lady and Ralph Baric. Said GOF scary virus was released in the wet market, or the military games, or whatever is the most current theory of bad, bad Chynaaa!

It’s never the US Government, Donald Trump, or the Department of Defense. Those poor dears are just hapless pawns in the hands of the all-powerful Big Pharmas and CCP commies. They bought out the key criminals like Fauci and Birx who simply lied to Trump about safe and effective vaccines. And it just happens that the stable genius 5D chess master still believes them to this day after all that has transpired, and won’t stop believing that he made safe vaccines fast even though Fauci said it takes years. Whatever.

The proof often cited in support of this theory – China didn’t use mRNA on its citizens! They only used a “traditional” vaccine. For a hoax computer generated virus. What was that “traditional” vaccine composed of? Oh, you know, traditional hoax deactivated virus… never mind that part.

According to the Endpoint news, July 5, 2023:

Moderna signed a deal Wednesday to develop and manufacture mRNA medicines in China, after other US and European Covid-19 drug makers struggled to break into the market without a Chinese partner.

Under the agreement, the Cambridge, MA vaccine developer will produce medicines in China that “will be exclusively for the Chinese people” and “will not be exported,” according to an emailed statement from Moderna.

Chinese media outlets reported that Moderna’s investment in China could be as much as $1 billion, but Moderna declined to comment on those reports.

A news article without paywall on this deal.

Turns out, China is very happy to use mRNA exclusive for Chinese people when the price is right. Who knew?

Despite geopolitical tensions, US and European biopharma companies have shown continued interest in developing drugs for China. But thus far, China has been insistent on using local distributors for Covid-19 vaccines and medicines.

The Moderna partnership appears to represent a pivot from that stance.

Yeah, ok, when you pay enough the Chinese will pivot.

Pfizer struggled to get Paxlovid into China, and in June it partnered with Chinese drugmaker CSPC Pharmaceutical Group to sell a local brand of the antiviral treatment. Merck’s antiviral molnupiravir is distributed by Sinopharm, and BioNTech is partnered with Fosun Pharmaceutical Group to distribute its Covid-19 vaccine in China. In March, China approved a domestically developed mRNA Covid-19 vaccine from CSPC.

We knew that highlighted part. BioNTech-Fosun partnership was created in 2018, and Pfizer invested into it a few months later. Also, the US Department of Defense knew about the CCP-controlled Fosun being a shareholder in the mRNA venture and nevertheless gave Pfizer-BioNTech $10B in 2020. Now it looks like Fosun fill be selling the mRNA poison in China, along with CSPC Pharma.

Last year, the FT reported that negotiations between Moderna and China to sell its Covid-19 vaccine collapsed after the biotech refused to reveal the core intellectual property behind its vaccine and declined to partner with a Chinese pharmaceutical company. Yicai Global first reported Moderna’s deal with China.

Translation: they want access to the intellectual property so they can grey-market the product all over the world. Without giving them access to the IP, you can never sell anything in China, forget it. Turns out, Moderna and Pfizer “overlooked” that well known part about Chinese IP strategies, but I am not too heart broken for them – let China make cheap knock offs. I am also pretty certain this is a desperation move to prop falling stock prices of both Pfizer and Moderna as the demand for their poisonous shots is hovering around zero in the US and worldwide. I guess they will be promising investors big growth in China. Yawn.

Anyway, I hope this development puts the Bad China theory to rest. They are as bad as all other big governments. Russia, too. There is no difference. They all signed up to the Agenda 21/30 and are all marching to the same drum beat of the One World Global Sustainable Dystopia. The interests driving this agenda are private individuals and families who do not hold allegiance to any nation or state, and any foreign policy moves are either a distractions or in service to this agenda.

I hope you have a great weekend and do something good for your health like play outside, soak in the sunlight, hug your loved ones, laugh a lot, and do not comply!


Source: If you believe that China does not use mRNA on its citizens…

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