An Infinite Number Of Days To Flatten The CO2 Curve

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When three years ago we were told that if we stayed inside for 15 days we could flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases, there was no real effort to respond with civil disobedience. It was a profound mistake, one we paid dearly for and will again, if we don’t stand up to the tyranny.

Yes, we know it was President Donald Trump who issued in March 2020 a set of guidelines that called for 15 days to slow the spread by limiting our travel and staying away from social settings. At the end of March, under more pressure from “experts” he should have fired, he extended the guidelines for another month.

Trump eventually, though tacitly, acknowledged that he made a mistake, when during the summer he said, to great caterwauling from the “closers” on the left, that it was “important for all Americans to recognize that a permanent lockdown is not a viable path forward and would ultimately inflict more harm than it would prevent.”

It was an admission no single Democrat ever made. Indeed, the Democrats wanted the lockdowns to be open-ended. They not only enjoyed taking captive society and commerce in the way that true authoritarians amuse themselves by being in control of others, they took notes so that the next time they will be able to more easily bump restrictions to the next level.

And when might that be? Impossible to say. All we can know is that attempts will be made.

In what other way can we read proposals such as the ​​“climate emergency” initiative referred to by Joseph Goffman, who holds an appointed position at the Environmental Protection Agency? How would the government deal with a climate emergency outside of placing limits on our movements as a free people?

Another sign that we are being softened up to take whatever punishment the political left decides to mete out was last week’s maniacal media coverage of “the hottest day ever.” CNN vomited out nonsense about “record-break global temperatures” that were likely the “highest in ‘at least 100,000 years.’” The Washington Post screeched that “Earth is at its hottest in thousands of years,” and proclaimed that “​​climate denialism” has been “burnt to a crisp.”

It was all meant to stir up fear and continue the conditioning of the West for the next round of policy shackles.

We regret that it will have its intended effect on many, even though, as our friend Steve Milloy from wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “the notion of ‘average global temperature’ is meaningless.”

“Average global temperature is a concept invented by and for the global-warming hypothesis. It is more a political concept than a scientific one. The Earth and its atmosphere is large and diverse, and no place is meaningfully average,” says Milloy.

He also pointed out the that temperature data “are imprecise,” with an estimated 96% of U.S. temperature stations producing corrupted data, and “about 92% of them reportedly have a margin of error of a full degree Celsius, or nearly 2 degrees Fahrenheit.”

Our suspicions of a future under a climate boot have also been confirmed by other developments, such as: the influential World Economic Forum treating the pandemic lockdowns as a model for climate lockdowns and, according to PJ Media, eliminate private automobile ownership; zero chance of reparations for the hundreds of millions who suffered because of of COVID lockdowns; the Red Cross insisting that the world should respond to climate change with the same urgency it showed in addressing the coronavirus outbreak; Bill Gates ominously saying that “if we learn the lessons of COVID-19, we can approach climate change more informed about the consequences of inaction”; and the almost unthinkable possibility that the pandemic was a manufactured crisis.

But violating our freedom to live our lives as we please is only part of the entire repression package that the left is building. Our communications are already being censored while the government misinforms and disinforms just as it did before, during and now after the pandemic. Skeptics will be called “climate deniers,” from which there is a straight line to being labeled “domestic terrorists” by a Justice Department pursuing politics rather than the justice it is supposed to uphold.

What we should have learned from the COVID lockdowns is that tolerating petty tyranny leads to absolute tyranny. We’re not there yet, but we’re well on the road to it and it has been paved with malicious intent.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board


Source: An Infinite Number Of Days To Flatten The CO2 Curve – Issues & Insights

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