Top Actress Dies by Assisted Suicide after Claiming Life Became Unliveable after COVID Booster Shot

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Former actress and television star Katarina Pavelek has died by assisted suicide after suffering from an incurable illness which she claimed was caused by receiving the COVID-19 booster shot.

Pavelek, who starred in the popular tv show “The Mindy Project,” ended her life on June 17 after suffering from myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), according to Radar Online

The neurological illness causes patients to suffer overwhelming fatigue that is not improved by rest, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

The actress said the COVID-19 booster shot was what caused the ME/CFS before announcing her assisted suicide.

Katerina Pavelek, 41, was diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome shortly after receiving the Covid-19 booster last year.

— Radar Online (@radar_online) July 3, 2023

Last month, Pavelek announced on Instagram she planned to end her “suffering” by going to a Swiss euthanasia clinic for assisted suicide.

“Hi guys, over the last 10 days, I became severely ill again, homebound unable to do much,” she posted.

“My body is too weak to fight this illness, and I have no more strength, so I made [the] decision to end my life at Pegasos association in Switzerland.”

“I was diagnosed with [an] untreatable chronic neurological illness ME/CFS caused by booster jab on top of having suspected respiratory ALS,” she added.

“This illness made me disabled, unable to work or have [a] social life and unable to enjoy life all together. Breathing has become more and more difficult and painful for me, and my lung function has been declining.”

“The booster jab I received over [a] year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely,” she continued.

“There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made.”

As Knewz reported, Pavelek had no prior health conditions. But she became sick for a month in 2020 as the pandemic reached the U.S.

While Pavelek never was diagnosed with COVID-19, she thinks she had it.

“I believed the vaccine was safe and effective,” Pavelek continued.

“After the first and second COVID vaccines, I had no major side effects” other than a few days of fatigue.

“I felt very uncomfortable about getting a booster,” Pavelek admitted.

But she obtained the Johnson & Johnson booster for work in February 2022, even though “ongoing conflicting messaging showed me that they were negligently lying.”


Source: Top Actress Dies by Assisted Suicide after Claiming Life Became Unliveable after COVID Booster Shot

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