‘Aliens’ in Mainstream News & Potential for False Flag Operations

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The World Council for Health (WCH) takes note of predictable developments in the establishment’s crisis playbook, highlighting the existence of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), otherwise known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Given the historical record of false and misleading information from corrupt governments and establishment media sources, it is important to exercise calm and critical thinking. While we may not be the only beings in the known and unknown universe, it is probable that the sudden acceleration in mainstream coverage of this topic is intentional, and it is aimed at a corporate control and profit agenda that will affect humanity negatively.

After years of denial, silence and censorship, the military industrial complex (MIC) and surveillance security industry have a vested interest in driving the narrative that UAPs exist, and that they pose a threat to humans. This creates a convenient pretext for military expansion into space, with exploitative space force budgets that are paid for by the people. It also lays the groundwork for man-made PHEIC (public health emergencies of international concern) announcements, based on false flag attacks—that lead to lockdowns and other anti-human measures, which restrict our fundamental rights in ways that can overshadow the Covid-19 chapter.

Like the World Health Organisation (WHO), the unelected supranational called the United Nations (UN), with a track record of failures, corruption and crimes, is seeking vast new powers and stronger “global governance” tools to deal with international emergencies such as pandemics. These include a major event in “outer space”, “unforeseen risks” (‘black swan’ events),climate or environmental events; environmental degradation; pandemics; accidental or deliberate release of biological agents; disruptions in the flow of goods, people, or finance; disruptions in cyberspace or “global digital connectivity” and economic crisis.

Experience and wisdom teaches us that we should not believe anything we are told by the corporate-government-media establishment. While it may be a challenge to distinguish between what is a real UAP/UFO from what is manufactured to terrorise us into giving up more freedoms, we have no reason to believe that the ongoing Hollywood propaganda on ‘evil aliens’ is true. WCH intends on engaging experts on this topic.


Source: ‘Aliens’ in Mainstream News & Potential for False Flag Operations

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