Blackrock, DARPA and Obama Pioneered Neuroweapon Technologies

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Under Obama’s Brain Initiative and the guise of dual-use, neuroweapon technologies (i.e. Neuralink) were paid for by US tax payers and intended to control civilians’ behaviors.

June 7, 2023: Electrode implants into civilians’ brains didn’t just receive FDA clearance with Neuralink. The flagship brain-computer interface (BCI) technology behind Musk’s Neuralink technologies is called NeuroPort Array and is owned by Blackrock.

Former President, Barack Obama is a leader in brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies and active with Blackrock’s Neurotech division.

Blackrock’s BCI NeuroPort technology received FDA 510k clearance as a Class II medical device in 2007 and is the flagship technology for Neuralink, as well as the US military’s Brain Initiative.

In April 2013, President Barack Obama launched the US military’s Brain Initiative under DARPA focusing on developing an, “implantable neural interface able to…  

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