FDA approves Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain implants that seek to CONTROL the human mind

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As expected, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted its approval for billionaire clown-car attention hound Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain implant microchips, which are all ready to go for insertion into people’s skulls.

In an announcement this week, Neuralink stated that it will immediately begin its long-anticipated human clinical trials on the brain microchip implants, which are about as dystopian as it gets coming from someone who claims to be “fighting tyranny” with the release of the so-called Twitter Files.

“We are excited to share that we have received the FDA’s approval to launch our first-in-human clinical study!” tweeted the official Neuralink Twitter account.

“This is the result of incredible work by the Neuralink team in close collaboration with the FDA and represents an important first step that will one day allow our technology to help many people … Recruitment is not yet open for our clinical trial. We’ll announce more information on this soon!”

(Related: Very little has changed at Twitter ever since Musk took over; censorship is still rampant, and in some cases even worse than before.)

Elon Musk is a pioneer in transhumanism – don’t believe his lies about opposing AI

For quite some time now, Musk has been bragging publicly about how the FDA would eventually give his Neuralink company the green light to allow his microchip implants to be injected into people’s heads – to “help” them, of course.

Last year, the FDA rejected Neuralink’s initial application, citing safety concerns with the product. Since that time, Musk somehow strong-armed the FDA into accepting Neuralink’s second application.

The stated goal of Neuralink’s brain chip interface is to “enhance” the functionality of the brain and body using computers. Put more simply in terms the general public should now understand, Neuralink’s goal is to spread transhumanism far and wide for profit.

According to Musk, the purpose of the chips is to “address brain injuries or spinal injuries and make up for whatever lost capacity somebody has.” The truth, however, is far more sinister than that.

In 2021, disturbing video footage showed Musk’s employees abusing monkeys by implanting them with the chips. This little experiment incited much controversy as the public lobbed accusations at Musk that he is an animal abuser.

Musk has since gone on to pretend as though he opposes artificial intelligence, or AI, despite actively promoting it through Neuralink, which aims to help humans achieve a “symbiosis with artificial intelligence.”

In case you have not figured it out by now, Musk speaks out of both sides of his mouth. While claiming to oppose AI, he is actively, for his own self-interest, pushing for humans and machines to be merged into one – all under his control, of course.

This “technological singularity” that Musk and other globalists aim to achieve will mean no more real humans on planet Earth. Does this sound like the kind of thing pro-life conservatives would want to align themselves with?

“Musk may be a troll, but he is still a globalist,” one commenter wrote in disgust at Musk’s actions.

“Careful my friend,” responded another. “People who speak the truth tend to disappear.”

“If these are implanted at birth, then the government will have complete and total control over people’s minds,” wrote another, with an added suggestion that perhaps Musk and his fellow globalists will have already become the “government” at that point.

“If it’s so cool, then have Musk do it first and show everyone,” suggested another about how Musk should volunteer to be the first person to receive one of his own brain implant microchips live on television.


Source: FDA approves Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain implants that seek to CONTROL the human mind – NaturalNews.com

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