It’s Impossible that ‘Gain-of-Function’ Coronaviruses Caused COVID-19

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Originally Published on October 20, 2022

May 26, 2023: Prior to COVID-19, the NIH defined gain-of-function (GOF) as;

Gain-of-function research involves experimentation that aims or is expected to increase the transmissibility and/or virulence of pathogens.”

A pathogen is any infectious organism that can cause disease, disabilities, or death. We commonly call pathogens viruses, bacteria, or parasites.

Based on this historic definition, gain-of-function research may include mRNA nanoparticle technologies. Here’s the problem, the NIH changed the definition of gain-of-function in 2021 in an attempt to enable the masterminds behind the COVID-19 pandemic and creators of the mRNA ‘spike proteins’ to get away with unleashing weapons of biowarfare on civilians populations around the world.

The historical definition of gain-of-function was inclusive of the restructuring and fusion of pathogenic organisms (mRNA proteins) with synthetic materials (encapsidation) to create mRNA nanoparticle technologies. mRNA nanoparticle technologies that were developed and deployed by EcoHealth Alliance and meet the 18 USC 175 definition of a bioweapon.

According to the May 26, 2022, publication Oversight of Gain of Function Research with Pathogens: Issues for Congress, the revised NIH definition of gain-of-function research:


Read full story: It’s Impossible that ‘Gain-of-Function’ Coronaviruses Caused COVID-19

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