It’s not vaccination, it’s extermination…

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Vaccination is not immunization. It’s extermination.

As I always say, folks — this is not rocket science. As in my book, Plague, for example, “We’ve been advising pregnant women infected with HIV to put their children immediately on antiretroviral drugs prior to any immunization for fear that a vaccine might trigger full-blown AIDS.

The HIV virus likes to hide out in the monocytes, the B and T cells of the immune system, exactly the cells a vaccination would stimulate.  If this time bomb was already in a good percentage of the population, we don’t want to be setting off an explosion of neuroimmune disease and cancer with a vaccination.”

(Reference Mikovits, Judy; Heckenlively, Kent. Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science p. 79).

Emphasized in our foreword by Robert F. Kennedy Jr…. the brutal repression of any such science…great scientists like Antionetta Gatti.

STOP Taking ALL Shots.

Every single shot is a synthetic virus, a cancer. You are injecting the DNA, the RNA, the blueprint of another animal.  Every single injection is a synthetic lipid nanoparticle. Synthetic lipid nanoparticles are made from monkey cell lines. That’s what the MRNA vaccines are. Only this new one is totally synthetic.

We don’t call them vaccines because they are not immunization, they are actually poison, waking up dormant diseases, attacking your body’s immune system with other foreign, unknown viruses i.e. monkey, mouse or other God-forbidden substances.  We are Injecting poisons that go directly into your blood stream, bypassing the liver and digestive system, trapping the poison in the body, giving it enough time to wake up the other diseases to suddenly and permanently injure and even kill vast numbers of people.

Scientism, the worshiping of science in place of God is a cult, where scientists declare themselves the high priests of science. Given the opportunity, they will take over the evolution of humans with their vision of a new transhumanist human 2.0.

Advances in DNA-based biology have been significant, from studying single-cell organisms to understanding the human brain. The discovery of DNA’s structure brought both admiration and concerns, with fears of negative consequences similar to atomic weapons. Inserting genetic material into human germ cells is still restricted due to concerns about altering human evolution.

BE CAREFUL FOLKS and Don’t be fooled by transhumanism and its false promise to enhance human capabilities through the application of advanced technologies. We are the real life ginny pigs used for scientific advancements, such as genetic engineering, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and cybernetics, all under the guise of enhancing human physical and cognitive abilities, extending human lifespan, and overcoming human limitations.

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

Published in 1859, Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” revolutionized our understanding of evolution and natural selection. It proposed that species evolve through gradual changes and share a common ancestry, challenging prevailing beliefs and laying the foundation for evolutionary biology.

This Subtitle “the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” is an important note and has been highly misunderstood.

In Charles Darwin’s book, the phrase “Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” refers to the preservation of advantageous traits through natural selection. It emphasizes how variations within species are favored and passed on based on their survival and reproductive success. It is important to note that the term “races” referred to species variations, not human races as understood today.


 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

“The fear of the LORD” is a reverential awe and submission to God, leading to true knowledge and wisdom. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing God’s authority and seeking His guidance. Fools, who reject wisdom and instruction, miss out on valuable wisdom. This verse highlights the significance of a right relationship with God and a humble attitude in acquiring wisdom.


Source: It’s not vaccination, it’s extermination

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