Top 7 ways Biden Regime and Big Food corporations are crippling family-owned farms in America

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One of the keys to surviving the Democrat-led food and resource apocalypse is keeping local and family-run farms functioning in full capacity. The Leftists would call it a conspiracy by the Right, but the signs are far too obvious for it to be anything but a true conspiracy created by the Left. As the Health Ranger has explained in depth on Brighteon podcasts, the Biden regime is a cabal full of tyrants who want Americans to live in the Dark Ages, with no stoves, no hot water, no flushing toilets, no cars, and wait for it… no natural food. The supply chain crippling and dismantling has been systematic so far, and the economic impact to family-owned farmers has been nothing short of apocalyptic.

As the natural health realm increases in popularity and strength, the Biden Regime moves to destroy it completely, paving the way for a communist Amerika

As the allopathic world of medicine gets more dangerous and less effective at helping sick folks cope, especially during and after the Covid plandemic, more and more consumers are turning to wholesome, fresh, unadulterated local farms for their steady supply of produce, including fruits, vegetables, berries, grains and oats.

Most local produce is free from GMOs and chemical pesticides, including herbicides and insecticides, plus the cost can be lower because less transportation expenses are incurred for the grower and sellers. Many local farmers also grow fruit, vegetables, and herbs in greenhouses, using mineral fortification and clean water that’s free of pollutants.

Here are the main 7 ways the wicked Biden Regime and top corporations are choking out family-owned farms in this country

#1. Dismantling and destroying the supply chain

#2. Beginning to make mRNA vaccines mandatory for farm animals

#3. Poisoning the animal feed with toxins and infertility chemicals

#4. Cost of transportation skyrocketing with fuel prices, trucking company interruptions

#5. Inflation is hurting family businesses more than corporations

#6. Pollution of land and rivers from dioxins, hospital waste, biosludge

#7. Push for lab-concocted, GMO test-tube meat and zombie eggs

Americans with small-to-midsized farms are finding it increasingly difficult to make a living and afford to keep their business going. The globalists and Democrats want to destroy our economy with delusional visions of ending all fossil fuel use in the next decade or so. Trains are mysteriously derailing with chemicals spilling onto small farms and polluting regions with dioxides and other “forever” chemicals. Food processing plants are exploding and suffering from random arson all across the nation.

Many farmers are finding out their animal feed is poisoned with chemicals, GMOs, and infertility drugs that keep their chickens from producing eggs, for example. These feeds are often coming from corporate entities that may be doing it on purpose to snuff out the “competition.”

Now, Bill Gates and his GMO minions want to inject every living farm animal with mRNA “technology” that will pollute their blood, meat, and byproducts with toxic spike proteins that, as we already know, cause vascular clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, and turbo cancer.

Then, with inflation skyrocketing, the cost of fertilizer, supplies, animal feed, transportation, stocking, and delivery of goods has also doubled, tripled, and quadrupled in certain areas. This is hurting the small farmers much more than the big corporations that highly benefited from the scamdemic, which lasted over two years.



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