The foundations of humanity, from freedom to family, are under attack

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The foundations of humanity, from freedom to family, are under attack. In this clip from The Great Awakening, my upcoming film, Rizza Islam explains the sacred roles of man, woman and child.

We’ve all seen how our current society is hell-bent on destroying traditional respect for each of these ancestral functions. As a result, disrespecting women, in particular, deteriorates our society.

At the end of the day, when it is no longer a woman’s province to be female, not only does this erasure ignore biological fact, but it also strips women of their humanity, designating people as mere bodies with specific parts. That is not progress.

As Mother’s Day approaches, let’s honor the women in our lives with our intentions and actions. Our mothers, sisters and daughters deserve better than a world that attempts to erase them and steal their inherent strength.

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