Prescription For Parents: Vet Your Child’s Doctor

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Let me introduce you to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Like other powerful health authorities, they refuse to inform women of the lifelong increased risk of breast cancer for anyone who has ever taken the pill. It seems that the “benefits” of barrenness trump even the power of pink ribbons. That’s not all: America’s most powerful pediatric voice is also refusing to inform young women of the mental health risks of hormonal contraception, even as we are living through an unprecedented teen mental health crisis, with depression and suicides rising.

The link between hormonal contraception and depression — and even a threefold higher suicide rate — is not new to The Federalist’s readers, nor to countless women around the world, nor to anyone familiar with the massive European studies involved. Do the nation’s pediatricians counsel their families that starting birth control might contribute to depression and even suicide? No. The AAP’s contraception “explainer,” aimed at parents and children, highlights “improved acne” but does not include a word about depression. Similarly, the AAP’s official policy statement on contraception, designed to help guide clinical practice, stays mum on mental health — though does once again highlight that acne-fighting power!

Interestingly, elsewhere in the AAP’s work, the focus on depression seems almost parodically exaggerated. Last year’s policy statement on “The Adolescent’s Right to Confidential Care When Considering Abortion” reveals that the official stance of America’s pediatricians is to advocate for early access to abortion in order to reduce depression — and, what’s more, to keep those abortions secret because informing parents may pose “psychological harm” to the teenager. The statement puts the AAP firmly in the mainstream of modern medical practice, where it is commonplace to argue that we must increase abortion in order to prevent suicide.

Abortion policy is not the only sphere the AAP uses to selectively trumpet a concern over teen mental health. Just this month, in its article on “Health Equity and the Impact of Racism on Adolescent Health,” the AAP’s flagship journal sounds the alarm about the immigration debate: “Structural racism in federal antiimmigrant policies in the last 5 years has skyrocketed rates of anxiety and depression among Latine AYA [adolescents and young adults].” The AAP goes out of its way to link debates over border policy to mental health, yet keeps oddly quiet when faced with far stronger evidence of the psychiatric risks of birth control.

While the AAP claims that avoiding suicide is reason enough to broaden abortion access, it seems to take trans suicide in its stride. We know that trans identification dramatically increases the risk of suicide, according to pro-trans organizations themselves, and yet the AAP enthusiastically embraces and affirms trans ideology.

Let’s recap some potential suicide prevention strategies, as seen through the eyes of our medical community:

Open borders? Yes, please!

Kill your unborn child? You go girl — and it’ll stay our little secret!

Ban chemical castration and genital mutilation? Whoa now, don’t embrace hate!

Just say no to mood-altering hormonal contraception? *Crickets*

Theme of Depopulation

Aside from the nakedly partisan political bent of their activism, there is a clear pattern of supporting any intervention that either kills babies or causes sterility. The medical profession, with the help of Big Pharma, has long been engaged in a war on childhood — but this is something new, a war on fertility itself.

The sad truth is that the medical community is now staunchly, openly anti-life. They are not going to inform your child about the mental health dangers inherent in hormonal contraception or in the denial of biological sex. They are far too busy, as these leading Harvard Medical School professors put it last year in the AAP’s flagship publication, sounding “a national call to action for pediatric residency programs to formalize training in reproductive health and justice.”

Doctors Must Speak Up

Doctors, if you believe in biblical truth, or at least oppose killing or sterilizing children, it is time for you to speak up. If not for yourselves and your own consciences, then for the millions of families out there looking for a medical voice to trust. These families need medical care, and if they can’t rely on a corrupt, woke medical establishment to deliver it, where are they going to get it?

I suspect there are more of us than we know, but even if we’re a small minority, we have an obligation not to politely hold our tongues about Moloch but to affirmatively proclaim our clinics a safe space for God.

Parents Must Act

Parents, it is time to ask your doctor their views on these matters. Your pediatrician’s worldview matters more than ever. Her “personal” views may now be the difference between your child growing up happy, well-adjusted, and with all reproductive organs intact or becoming another suicide statistic, another notch in Big Pharma’s belt, another victim of a deranged mammarian mutilator.

Doctors ask you uncomfortable questions all the time. Are you sexually active? Do you smoke pot? How many guns do you have at home? Compared to that, “Can a boy become a girl?” is a layup. Don’t be confrontational in the least, simply engage in polite fact-finding inquiries: “Do you regularly prescribe hormonal contraception?” “Do you support a teenager’s right to choose?” If they make you fill out your preferred pronouns upon arrival at the clinic, you don’t have to ask any questions at all!

I routinely have parents-to-be feel me out on a wide variety of topics when deciding whether to bring their children to my office — they’ll ask what I think about home births, crying it out, or Dr. Sears vaccine schedules.

I hope your pediatrician’s beliefs on “reproductive justice” and “gender-affirming care” will never affect you or your children — for by the time they do, it will be too late. That confidential counseling session will have happened before you ever find out about it, and there will be nothing protecting your child from the demons, nothing protecting you from a lifetime of regret over not having asked these questions when your child was a babe in your arms.

To be fruitful and multiply is our Creator’s first and oft-repeated blessing to mankind in the book of Genesis; He, apparently lacking the wisdom of our medical betters, never once blesses any of his beloved with the hope of infertility, depression, regret, and infanticide.

Parents, you need to establish now, before a crisis point is reached, what your pediatrician or family doctor’s views on these matters are. Don’t fail your children. Go ahead and vet your doctor now, while you still can.


**Source: Prescription For Parents: Vet Your Child’s Doctor

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