Can We Talk?

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April 19, 2023: Most Americans are aware that Pfizer never completed a 2-year placebo-controlled trial because Pfizer unblinded and injected the ‘placebo group’ less than 6 months into the trial. Most Americans know that Pfizer has admitted that their mRNA injections do not prevent infection or transmission. And despite the CDC’s and media’s claims that the Pfizer mRNA injections prevent hospitalizations and death, most people also know that real-world evidence and the data Pfizer filed with the FDA tells a different story.

Although the above ‘vaccine anomalies’ regarding Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA injections are fairly well-known, many of us still don’t know how to tell our friends and family members about the harmful effects of the mRNA injections. We all want to text a friend or family member or go up to a neighbor and ask, “Can we talk?” We want to have that difficult conversation explaining to them that we want to share facts and evidence regarding the undisclosed harmful effects of the COVID-19 injections because we care for them. Yet, we never ring the neighbor’s doorbell or send that text message.

This article may be a way to share the undisclosed harmful effects of the COVID-19 injections with friends and neighbors. This article walks through 8 key points demonstrating from Pfizer’s FDA filings and US laws, demonstrating that Pfizer’s mRNA injections are not only ineffective, but mostly harmful.

Everyone knows that a vaccine is supposed to prevent infection and disease, not cause infection and disease. Per 18 USC 175, the criteria to meet the definition of a bioweapon can included a biological agent (or ‘alleged vaccine’) that does prevent infection or disease.

Per Pfizer’s September 2021 post-hoc analysis submitted to the FDA, Pfizer states that their mRNA injections increase the risk for COVID-19.

Page 23 of the FDA Briefing Document states; “An additional analysis appears to indicate that incidence of COVID-19 generally increased in each group of study participants with increasing time post-Dose 2.”

Pfizer concluded that the risk for COVID-19 infection and COVID-19 disease increases over time in study subjects who received 2 doses of their mRNA injection. 

Americans and global citizens were promised that the COVID-19 mRNA injections would reduce the risk for COVID-19 infection, yet Pfizer submitted data to the FDA stating the opposite of what was promised. The risk for COVID-19 infection increases with vaccination. This is clearly not a vaccine.

A recent study of 51,011 Cleveland Clinic employees confirmed that the risk for COVID-19 disease increases over time post 2nd dose versus being unvaccinated.

AND that with each additional injection (booster), the risk for COVID-19 infection further increases versus remaining unvaccinated.

Per page 41 of Pfizer’s Phase 3 data submission, Pfizer reported that within 7 days of subjects receiving the 1st or 2nd mRNA injection, “409 subjects in the vaccine group had suspect or unconfirmed COVID-19 which could have masked clinically significant adverse events.”

Per pages 56-57 of Pfizer’s initial new drug application, severe COVID-19 and/or clinically significant ‘adverse events’, were defined as respiratory failure; kidney, liver and neurological dysfunction; admission to the ICU, and death.

Within 1 week of the 1st or 2nd dose of Pfizer’s mRNA injection, 409 patients experienced one or more of the above clinical outcomes and Pfizer could not tell if it was their injection or a virus that caused this.

The risk for heart attacks, stroke, autoimmune diseases, blood clotting, myocarditis, convulsions, seizures, and other COVID-19 vaccine-induced injuries and diseases including death, was known by the FDA on October 22, 2020.

The FDA met with industry manufacturers (including Pfizer) to discuss more than two dozen harmful outcomes and diseases caused by the COVID-19 vaccines.

Note: On October 22, 2020, the FDA and industry knew that the COVID-19 biological injections placed adults and children at unnecessary risk for injuries, illnesses, and death, but the FDA still authorized both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections as safe vaccines.

Pfizer’s Phase 2/3 clinical trials, the FDA’s authorization and then the FDA’s approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA injections are in violation of the FDA’s own safety laws 21 U.S.C 312.42b1i/b2i and 21 U.S.C 355.

Per 21 U.S.C 312.42b1i/b2i, during a Phase 1 trial of 20-80 healthy people, if a ‘vaccine’ (biological agent) places humans at unreasonable and significant risk for illness or injury, the experiment is to be terminated.

These laws are in place to protect American civilians from being unknowingly exposed to harmful biological agents that can cause injury, illness, disability, or even death.

Based on the October 22, 2020, meeting alone, when industry and the FDA discussed the more than two-dozen debilitating and life-threatening outcomes from the COVID-19 injections, the FDA should have terminated all of the COVID-19 vaccine trials and never enabled access to these harmful mRNA injections by civilian adults and children.

Even under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) (per the FDA’s guidancethe FDA must determine that the known benefits of an EUA vaccine (biological agent) outweighs the known risks before authorizing a product for use in the United States.

Per 21 U.S.C 355, the FDA must make a determination that the benefits of a product outweigh the risk before moving forward with FDA approval. The data the FDA had in their possession clearly demonstrated that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines did not outweigh the risks. An HHS declared public health emergency to enable the use of an experimental biological agent by Americans is not a valid legal reason for the FDA, CDC, Pfizer or Moderna to knowingly and fraudulently promote a harmful biological agent as a safe and effective vaccine.

The FDA and Pfizer cannot claim ignorance when it comes to placing American civilians at unnecessary risk, especially when it comes to children. The injection of children with mRNA technology was never merited. The risk of children contracting COVID-19 was insignificant per the FDA’s documents.

On June 10, 2021, the FDA met to discuss the clinical endpoints for children’s studies. Per the FDA briefing document, the committee states that conducting a pediatric trial where the primary endpoint is proving a reduction in risk for COVID-19 infection in vaccinated children versus unvaccinated children would be impossible (infeasible) to conduct, because children rarely become infected.

Pfizer knowingly violated safety laws and placed children at unnecessary risk for injury and death per their November 20, 2020, FDA Phase 3 data submission. This report states that there was data from 100 children aged 12 to 15 years of age who experienced reactogenicity effects from the mRNA injections (i.e. myocarditis, seizures, blood clots, death). However, the Sponsor (Pfizer/BioNTech) requested that the data for these 100 children NOT be disclosed because the benefit-risk ratio was unfavorable.

“Reactogenicity data from a total of 100 adolescents 12 through 15 years of age were provided in the EUA submission. However, the Sponsor, did not request inclusion of this age group in the EUA because the data available… were insufficient to support a favorable benefit-risk determination at this time. Therefore, the reactogenicity data for participants 12 through 15 years of age are NOT presented in this document.”

The November 20, 2020, benefit-risk statement regarding the COVID-19 mRNA vaccination of children is a blatant violation of 21 USC 355 and evidence that both Pfizer and the FDA knowingly broke the law. The bottom line is that the FDA’s authorization and approval of the COVID-19 vaccines is both grossly unethical and criminal, as was Pfizer’s and Moderna’ manufacturing and promotion of these harmful biological injections as safe and effective vaccines.

So, what are these COVID-19 mRNA injections that;

  • do NOT prevent infection or disease,
  • do NOT protect against mild-to-moderate or severe disease,
  • were NOT done under bona fide research, and
  • are known to CAUSE illness, injuries, disabilities, and death?

Unfortunately for Pfizer, the COVID-19 mRNA injections meet the exact definition of a bioweapon per 18 USC 175.

A biological agent for use other than prophylactic (preventative), protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purpose is a bioweapon. 

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The COVID-19 biological agents do not prevent infection or transmission; they do not protect against disease; the clinical trials did not adhere to the FD&C Act safety and efficacy laws; recipients of EUA injections did not receive informed consent; and the COVID-19 biological injections are proven to cause serious illness, injury and even death, in previously healthy adults and children.

The COVID-19 biological injections are bioweapons that have been criminally promoted, distributed, and administered to American civilians under the guise of safe and effective vaccines.

As more experts and government leaders are coming forward to speak out against the harmful COVID-19 biological injections, such as Surgeon General Ladapo and Governor DeSantis, and research and analysis (such as what I’ve done regarding these bioweapon injections) is gaining more media coverage and public awareness, there is a brief window of opportunity for all of us to get on the right side of history.

When confronted with the evidence that the COVID-19 biological injections are bioweapons, I believe good men and women will not continue to play along with the false and harmful claim that these COVID-19 bioweapon injections are safe and effective vaccines in order to avoid conflict with their colleagues, friends, and community. I believe American citizens who believe in our unalienable God-given rights and genuinely care about the well-being of others would rather face conflict in sharing the truth with our communities; rather than standby and silently witness the steady, ongoing injury and illness that is being inflicted on our family, friends, colleagues, and community members under the guise of ‘wellness and public health safety.’

I believe readers of this article are going to do everything in their power to protect the health and well-being of civilian adults and children and can begin by sharing this information.

With hope,

Karen Kingston

Biotech Analyst, Med-Legal Advisor

Ephesians 4:25

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

I have had the information to stop the criminal biological experimentation on humans with mRNA bioweapon technology since May of 2021, and my med-legal analysis has mostly been dismissed or mocked here at home. Because our national government, local governments, medical freedom experts, law enforcement, and alternative media are (for the most part) refusing to acknowledge the evidence required to seize the mRNA vaccine technology from every community across America and criminally prosecute Pfizer, an outside global military power intends to stop the use of mRNA bioweapons and prosecute Pfizer and the United States. This is exactly how Nazi Germany was dealt with. Our situation is not to be applauded, it is to be mourned.

In August of 2021, Stew Peters asked me what advice I had for Americans to fix this situation. Today, I recommend the same advice I gave nearly 2 years ago, and I am sorry… you have been deeply betrayed.

“Look at facts. Look at evidence. And understand that when someone has malicious intent and sociopathy they do not tell you that they are going to harm and violate you. They tell you whatever it is you need to hear in order for them to accomplish their goals.”

– Karen Kingston, August 2021, Stew Peters Show

How Do We Win This Intelligence War Enabling the Use of mRNA Bioweapon Technology on Adults and Children?

I’ve been fighting this psychological war to educate Americans and our government officials for two years now, mostly unsupported by our government and medical leaders. If you want America to take control of this biowarfare nightmare, please reach out to government leaders and powerful media influencers to request for me to present the evidence that can take down Pfizer and stop the mRNA technology platform dead in its tracks. I can be reached through


**Source: Can We Talk? – by Karen Kingston – The Kingston Report

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