Words Influence Thoughts – Karen Kingston

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April 18 2023: I want to give some context to the massive gaslighting campaign that ‘there are no nanotechnology devices in the nanoparticle technology vaccines’ or that ‘mRNA technology is definitely not a bioweapon.’

You see, there are many leading experts claiming that there is ‘no evidence’ that the mRNA ‘vaccines’ contain nanotechnology or that there is ‘no evidence’ that the mRNA injections are bioweapons.

While doctors are entitled to their opinions, by not challenging their unfounded opinions with evidence and facts (due to fear of being sued or ostracized) the medical freedom movement is being terribly misled. Have we created our own Anthony Faucis that can not be questioned and who wish to dismiss those who do question them?

Words influence our thoughts. If our ‘trusted leaders’ continue to make a mockery of terms such as nanotechnology or bioweapon, then victims who have suffered injuries and losses due to the mRNA technology injections will never have the words to even conceive of the crimes committed against them. Never mind being able to articulate crimes in order to prosecute Pfizer or Moderna in a court of law.

Are the terms ‘bioweapon’ and ‘nanotechnology’ being mocked because the actual desired outcome is to never completely remove the mRNA bioweapons from our communities and to never prosecute Pfizer?

The Narrative that mRNA Bioweapon Technology Should Be a Choice in Our Vaccines, Medicines or Food Supply is Not Only Dangerous, It’s Potentially Criminal

Enabling access to bioweapons is a 1st or 2nd degree felony in many states in the United States and an international war crime across global nations. Why would experts advise that this is wise path for the health freedom movement to pursue? Do we not see the insanity of this messaging?

We realize now that making the mRNA bioweapon injections ‘a choice’ was a grave mistake, and yet leaders are now…


Read full story: Words Influence Thoughts – by Karen Kingston

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