“Agenda 2030…the ‘owners’ of this World…are doing this in every single Country…it’s programmable money…every transaction is tracked…like the Truckers in Canada when Trudeau was able to turn off their Crypto…if you’re not allowed to leave X amount from your home…your money won’t work…they’ll be controlling your carbon footprint…if you’re expelling too much carbon dioxide because you went on a hike…this will be deducted in your wallet as your body is your wallet…as this is part of the infrastructure that Moderna actually admitted to…” -Todd Calendar
“Agenda 2030…the ‘owners’ of this World…are doing this in every single Country…it’s programmable money…every transaction is tracked…like the Truckers in Canada when Trudeau was able to turn off their Crypto…if you’re not allowed to leave X amount from your home…your money… pic.twitter.com/Krd8r57z7J
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill9) April 17, 2023