How Many Millions Are Disabled or Injured From the Jab?

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  • The 2022 U.S. Vaccine Damage Report revealed a sobering glimpse into the true carnage that occurred at the hands of the COVID-19 shot campaign
  • COVID-19 shots resulted in 300,000 excess deaths, 26.6 million injuries and 1.36 million disabilities
  • Total economic costs due to the shots are estimated at $147.8 billion, including $89.9 billion from related injuries, $52.2 billion from disabilities and $5.6 billion from excess deaths
  • A preprint systematic review found the mRNA-based COVID shots increased the risk of myocarditis, with a mortality of about 1 to 2 per 200 cases
  • Evidence of serious neurological harms, including Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, myasthenic disorder and stroke, which are likely due to an autoimmune reaction, was also found from the shots

We’re beginning to see the fallout from the mass COVID-19 shot campaign, which has been referred to as the “greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine, maybe humanity.”1

Former BlackRock analyst and fund manager Edward Dowd is one of the few trying to get the word out about COVID-19 shot risks, and he’s been using data and statistics to prove his point and publicize the undeniable increase in deaths and disability among young, healthy adults that has occurred since the shots’ widespread rollout.2

This group — the 148 million employed Americans between the ages of 18 and 643 — is typically a healthy crowd. This is why private insurance companies love to sell group life insurance policies to large Fortune 500 corporations and mid-sized companies —they hardly ever have to pay out on a claim. But this is changing.

Dowd’s 2022 U.S. Vaccine Damage Report4 revealed a sobering glimpse into the true carnage that occurred at the hands of the COVID-19 shot campaign, and its results are striking.

300K Excess Deaths, Millions of Injuries, Billions in Costs

Dowd and colleagues published their 2022 Vaccine Damage Project at their website, Phinance Technologies.5 It revealed the following estimated human and economic costs:6

Human Cost Economic Cost
  • 26.6 million injuries
  • 1.36 million disabilities
  • 300,000 excess deaths
  • Total: $147.8 billion
  • Injuries: $89.9 billion
  • Disabilities: $52.2 billion
  • Excess deaths: $5.6 billion

To put this into perspective, John Leake writes on Courageous Discourse, “Note that this death count in one year is 5.2 times the number of men killed in 10 years of combat in Vietnam,” adding:7

“Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about this state of affairs is that most Americans don’t know it’s happening. Every day, young people are dying from heart attacks, strokes, and seizures caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Most of their families and friends are led to believe that they just died — suddenly and unexpectedly — of acute conditions that were extremely rare in young people prior to 2021.”

The report included data from employed individuals between the ages of 16 and 64, and categorized the impact into four broad groups:

  1. No effect or asymptomatic
  2. Mild to moderate outcome including a temporary or short-term, long-term or permanent injury
  3. Severe outcome that leads to a disability
  4. Extreme outcome leading to death

While group 1 was the largest, comprising an estimated 82% of the population, the authors pointed out that these groups are dynamic, and individuals in one group could move into another, particularly in the case of progressing from no or minor injury to severe injury, such as we’ve seen with elite athletes suddenly dropping dead on the field:8

“While these groupings characterize different levels of damage from the inoculations, they are not static and could interact with each other. For instance, there might be individuals who had no visible effects after vaccination but nonetheless could still be impacted from the inoculations and could therefore be represented in the sub-group of injured individuals.

In a similar way, individuals with mild injuries from the inoculations could, over time, develop severe injuries to the extent of being disabled, or an extreme outcome such as death. The likely path of outcomes would be from injury to disability to death.

We need to consider, however, that to a lesser extent there could be individuals who suffer extreme outcomes when they had previously only experienced mild injuries until then. We can relate this with the anecdotes of otherwise healthy athletes suffering heart attacks during sports competitions at an alarming rate since the 2021 inoculations.”

‘The Multiplier Effects Are Massive’

The effects in the report are only what can currently be measured, and are likely to also be fluid. In terms of economic effects, for instance, the report notes that mortuary companies are likely to benefit while life insurers will be harmed, leading to a reallocation of resources.

Meanwhile, in terms of economic costs, milder damage is associated with greater cost, since a larger portion of working age individuals are affected. For instance, those with mild to moderate injury made up a sizeable 18% of the population. According to the report:9

“We make the assumption that the pool of potentially vaccine-injured individuals is about 18% of the population, which is, the rate of related adverse events reported in the Pfizer clinical trial (minus the baseline rate). These injuries will likely manifest a loss of productivity since, as these individuals are likely to have higher absentee rates and, consequently, higher lost worktime rates, than the pre-2019 baseline.

In fact, we performed an analysis of absence rates and lost worktime rates10 in full time workers (using data provided by the BLS). We observed a large increase in absence rates starting in 2020, but accelerating in 2022. Absence rates in 2022 were about 28.6% higher than in 2019, representing a 11 standard deviation variation.”

Further, many other economic costs are harder to account for, such as a worker who’s still at work but not able to work to their full potential. When these types of scenarios are factored in, the damages could be even more massive. Dowd tweeted:11

“Our economic damage estimates are what we can measure. The knock effects such as lost productivity due to a worker being present but working at say 50%-75% of capacity is missed plus burn out from those picking up slack. Also supply chain delays are not captured etc and etc. The multiplier effects are massive.”

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